Thursday, April 20, 2023

Collecting my thoughts.

 I hope to post some concluding thoughts about everything I've written about on the blog over the years.


  1. Love the painting! Sad. You seem to be fading away Terry.

  2. I must be in your spam section since I do not see any comments here on your blog, Terry. I don't post that much anymore but will miss your blog should you decide to close shop. I have fond memories of your blog and of you. I will not forget you so please always know I keep you in my prayers.

  3. One more post! I just watched this and thought of you ... a Word on Fire video.

    1. Thank you Yaya! I have The Word on Fire Bible but now I know more about the artist who helped create it. I agree his story has similarities to our friend Terry. Beauty comes from God, but sometimes passes through the hands and deeds of man ( and woman too of course)!

  4. I hope you are not thinking of leaving this lovely blog, my dear Terry. When I open my computer every day, this is one of the first things I check, hoping you have some artwork or some thoughts to share - or some words of wisdom and empathy from you and other faithful commenters, like Mr. H and Yaya. I do so because I trust your spirituality and kindness. You are a kindred spirit, and a faithful Catholic brother for me (I know that sounds silly and goopy, but that is how it seems to me.)

    I know you are very busy with many responsibilities and cares. I hope you are taking care of yourself - getting enough sleep and eating well. I know you stay close to Jesus and have no worries about that.

    Two friends from my parish and I have been quietly taking care of our priests for the last year and a half (our young pastor who is 38, and our retired vicar, who is about 80). They were living on sandwiches, cereal, and fast food, and spending time that could have been spent on their ministries on laundry and running the vacuum. So, we make a home cooked meal every Wednesday, with enough leftovers to carry them for the rest of the week and take turns taking home their laundry to wash. And we pet Joey the cat and make sure he has plenty of treats and catnip bags. I now realize how lonely their home life sometimes is, and what long hours they work. I somehow have the impression it may be that way for you. I know you fill your life with prayer and service to your parish, which is a great help. But don't forget to take care of your own well-being.

    I hope you aren't going to disappear. But you know best. If you go away, I will miss you because there is no one like you. God bless and protect you - Susan, TOF

  5. Loved this Blog. God bless you as you live out your faith in union with Our Lord. Blogs come and go, but the Lord is always there for us... and for you.


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