Tuesday, January 10, 2023

A thought


Christopher Robin

I must think suddenly of matters too difficult for a bear of little brain. I have never asked myself what lies beyond the place where we live, I and Rabbit, Piglet and Eeyore, with our friend Christopher Robin. That is, we continued to live here, and nothing changed, and I just ate my little something. Only Christopher Robin left for a moment.

Owl says that immediately beyond our garden Time begins, and that it is an awfully deep well. If you fall in it, you go down and down, very quickly, and no one knows what happens to you next. I was a bit worried about Christopher Robin falling in, but he came back and then I asked him about the well. 'Old bear,' he answered. 'I was in it and I was falling and I was changing as I fell. My legs became long, I was a big person, I grew old, hunched, and I walked with a cane, and then I died. It was probably just a dream, it was quite unreal. The only real thing was you, old bear, and our shared fun. Now I won't go anywhere, even if I'm called in for an afternoon snack.' - Czeslaw Milosz 


  1. Touching passage that people of our age can relate to. Time and age are very powerful factors that overcome us all.

    1. Just read that Cardinal Pell died today. I wonder how this passage applies to him?

    2. I saw that. I had great respect for him.

    3. Terry,
      Any thoughts on this article? I see Sandro Magister name in the article and wonder why the "hit piece" especially now that Cardinal Pell has died?

      Catholic World News
      Cardinal Pell authored ‘secret memo’ ripping current pontificate [News analysis]


  2. I always liked Cardinal George Pell. I remember many years ago, when he was made a Cardinal, Catholic Answers speculated that he was "pope material." I smiled at the thought.
    I remember too, when Papa Francis was elected in 2013, EWTN interviewed him regarding said election and the one quote I remember to this day is when he said, "there won't be much lace so we must be patient."
    That quote made me smile too.
    May heaven be yours dear Cardinal Pell.


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