Friday, October 28, 2022

Lamentations in chastisement.

Photos: Monastery of Santa María de Retuerta (est. 1146).
Today, it houses a luxury hotel.

Feeling a bit down lately.

Grief stricken might be a better term.  Confused about the state of the world, the Church and so on.  Not giving up, to be sure.  I have the rosary and the sacraments and prayer.  I'm fine and grateful to have something to offer up as a penance.  If everyone flees, if others just walk away, leaving me alone, I have the Lord, who says to me, "where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir.” Then Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, [and] from now on do not sin any more.”"

Come, all who pass by the way.

That said, I came across some photos of a former monastery turned into a magnificent luxury hotel.  (The photos shown on this post.)  It really sort of hit me.  It struck me as rather ironic. As the Church modernizes and throws out tradition, monasteries and churches continue to close - vocations lost, the faithful fall away - as in John 8: they went away one by one, beginning with the elders... (the scribes and Pharisees). The secular world is ready to grab - there is a market for the 'sacred'.

Suddenly, the world latches on to the most precious and beautiful of sacred booty to treasure, exploit and luxuriate in.  It just goes to show that someone loves tradition and fine art, even liturgical opulence.  While Catholics, "give their precious things for food, to retain the breath of life. “Look, O LORD, and pay attention to how I have been demeaned!" - Lamentations

"The foe stretched out his hands
to all her precious things;
She has seen the nations
enter her sanctuary,
Those you forbade to come
into your assembly." - Lamentations



  1. I know how you feel, my dear brother.

    Things are pretty ghastly here at the moment. I keep asking God to take over, and to work out the problems because I seem to only make them worse. I try to do the right thing and defend my Faith and my Church but keep getting put in my place by my pastor and others - I love them all, but they think I am too old to be relevant (I am 61).
    So far, nothing, but in His own time maybe.

    I got a very good piece of advice from the priest to whom I went to Confession last month. He is an immigrant Polish priest connected to a neighboring parish. Not sure why he is here, but I am glad he is. Anyway, I have been very frustrated with things in general, and discouraged, which leads me to say and do things that are not in imitation of my good St. Francis. *Sigh*.

    Father told me to reach into my pocket and just to hold onto my rosary (he very kindly assumed I carry a rosary with me always!) He said if I can manage to pray a quick Hail Mary for help, better yet. But if not, just to hold onto even a bead of the rosary, which will calm me because it is a Sacramental and dedicated to Our Lady. And he encouraged me to pray at least one Rosary daily.

    I took his good advice to heart and have been doing my very best to follow it. It really does help.

    I know you love Mary with all your heart, Terry. Try this. She will not abandon you ever. And I will pray for you, too. I know we are far away and will never meet, but when we pray, God listens no matter where we are.

    God bless and protect you - Susan

    1. Dear Susan, In a world where kindness is weakness and meanness strength, where charity and mercy belittled how can we keep hope alive? Only in our small patch that grows bigger. I think of the later years of Rome when cruelty eventually gave way to Christian teaching. I stumbled onto the of just holding my rosary unable to pray it. Mary understands even if no one else does.

    2. I too have taken to just holding my rosary from time to time. It comforts me.

  2. So, did they save or ruin a sacred site? It no longer looks like a monastery. In England, during the Reformation, abbey’s were frequently confiscated and given as rewards to those loyal to the Monarch.


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