Saturday, September 07, 2019

Pope Francis Told Madagascar Cloistered Religious: "St. Therese accompanies me, “an old man.”

“She is a faithful friend,” the Pope said.
 “And for that reason I did not want to talk to you 
about theories but about a saint. 
Of what a saint is capable of, 
of the path of holiness. 
Go forward and be brave!”

Thank God Christ came to save sinners.

I think the Holy Father is very much like Therese, and with her, he too rejoices to be found imperfect, and even criticized and disliked.  Otherwise I can think of no other reason for him to tell journalists: "For me it’s an honor that Americans attack me."

"Do good to those who hate you..."
One day Therese counseled her sister Celine: "Your programme of life seems to be this: 'I will be kind to those who are kind, and be amiable with those who are amiable.'  Then naturally you become agitated as soon as someone disagrees with you.  In this you are like the pagans in the Gospel who our Lord tells us not to be like.  Rather he tells us, 'love your enemies, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who persecute you.'" -My Sister St. Therese, Sr. Genevieve of the Holy Face

"Jesus, repair what I have done badly!"

When we fail, when we are tempted to rebel against those who find out our faults and imperfections, we too can remain silent, asking our Lord to undo, to repair what we've done badly, that no one may be lost because of our bad example.  If others are scandalized by our failings, we can have confidence Jesus will repair and draw forth a greater good.  I think this is a secret of His Sacred Heart, as well as the key to the devotion to Our Lady, Undoer of Knots.  When others condemn us, we can even rejoice to be found imperfect and in need of God's mercy!

"A notion which is not widespread and which, nevertheless, is very important is that Jesus, when we ask him with confidence, repairs not only the evil we have done in ourselves, but also the evil we have done around us.

Indeed, he has made all things right in me, but what about the evil I have done to others?  The bad example I have set, the scandal I have given, the good I would have been able to do and did not do, the injustice I committed?  I am set aright myself, but what about the others?

Say then, 'Jesus, from this evil also which I have wrought around me, draw forth good.  Even, I dare to ask you, draw a greater good from it than if I had not done the evil... Jesus, make reparation in me and around me.'" - I Believe In Love, Pere Jean du Coeur de Jesus D'Elbee

"I am resigned to being always imperfect, and I even find happiness in it.  

I keep an eye on myself to see if I can discover any new imperfections." 
- Therese to Mother Agnes of Jesus


  1. I have been watching Papa's latest adventure with much joy and interest. I take to heart everything he brings, gives, shares with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Makes me happy to see the love, the joy, the enthusiasm with which all the faithful have responded to our Holy Father's message.
    I have been following his trips on YouTube. His energy, his joy, his stamina! What an inspiration Papa Panchito truly is.

    May all who meet him experience the mercy, the love, the great consolation that is Christ Jesus whom Papa Francis proclaims from the roof tops!

  2. I believe that Pope Francis is the one real leader in the world today. What does that tell us?

  3. Wallace and Yaya - we are united in our support and love for the Holy Father.


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