Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Frank Walker writes the most hysterical copy ever.


  1. Clicked on your link and saw nothing but hogwash. My eyes need to be washed out with soap. Truly ugly ... so glad I am not one who believes the tripe that passes for truth from these blogs.

    Yours is the only blog I will continue to stick to.

    1. Thanks Yaya. I have to laugh sometimes at how Walker editorializes in his copy. One of his friends/contributors used to reprimand me for making fun of some of his stuff as well as some of the extreme stuff he linked to, yet nothing approached the level of Walker's invective.

    2. Glad you have the constitution to find some of his stuff funny. ;) My sense of the funny is wearing thin these days with all the vitriol being thrown about be it religious or political. I want to hide somewhere green, with lots of shade, clean, running water and silence.

      I read this and agree with what it has to say unlike reading the Walker stuff:


      Have a beautiful Wednesday!

  2. "Treacherous Butterball" it's a bit early for Thanksgiving, isn't it? We have to get past Halloween.

  3. Going after crackpots like Frank Walker (why provide him traffic?) is easy.

    But what's you're response to this?


    1. I respect Mons. Pope very much. If that is his response to what the Pope said, what can I say? I'm as confused by things the Holy Father says as the next guy. I wish I knew how to respond. :(

    2. I have to add that I get a kick out of Walker though. Can't say more however.

  4. French Priest Jean-Baptiste Sebe Murdered In Saint-Jean XXIII Church After Sexual Assault Claim Of A Grown Woman.......Suicide or Murder the police are still investigating.

    I wonder if the killer is a fan of Frank Walker?

    Priests and religious orders will be hunted down, and made to die a cruel death. Our Lady of La Salette 19 Sept. 1846 (Published by Mélanie 1879)

    1. I saw that - I thought it was suicide. I doubt Frank Walker is known in France. Haha!


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