Monday, June 01, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner - gender stereotype.

It's all about the look - and, I suppose feelings... but there's more to it than that.

I'm surprised feminists aren't slashing themselves over this one.*  Annie Liebowitz doing the shoot - or not - Jenner has become a mannequin for clothes, make-up, and hair; and worse, a gender stereotype.  The slang term is 'bimbo'.  After reading the article(s), watching the interview with Sawyer, I don't think there's a lot going on in that head.
“If I was lying on my deathbed and I had kept this secret and never ever did anything about it, I would be lying there saying, ‘You just blew your entire life. You never dealt with yourself,’ and I don’t want that to happen.” - Jenner's response to second thoughts on facial-feminization surgery.

An ironic statement to say the least.

As a woman of 65, Caitlyn looks pretty good.

*Although if Jenner goes through with genital surgery, that might herald a sort of feminist victory over patriarchal dominance, thus rendering the chosen gender stereotype more tolerable.  Cutting the male genitalia might be considered as a sort of homage to ancient, matriarchal origin metaphors connected to menstruation; making the transition a sort of blood ritual, an emasculation ritual far more extreme than circumcision, which ancient pagan cults connected to Goddess worship ...

For a better understanding of my analogy, read this article by Bevil Bramwell, The Return of the Pagan Gods.

Please read my follow-up post, Bruce-Caitlyn Jenner: Menstruation Myth and Metaphor in Neo-pagan Culture here.  

H/T Judy for the cover story.


  1. He should change his name to Kaitlyn Kardashian... ;-)

  2. After viewing this 'cover' I have new respect for the monumental powers of Photoshop!

  3. photoshop and airbrushing!

    1. "As a woman of 65, Caitlyn looks pretty good"

      I agree. If I was photoshopped and Annie was behind the camera, well, I sure would make a splash too.

      I don't like where this is heading. All of a sudden it seems the "in thing" to accept anything without question and if one should question it, well, then one is considered a bigot and a hater.

      What does the Church say about such issues as gender transformation? I can't really find anything in the CCC.

  4. I just think it's too bad that he had to do this. The picture is lovely but that's the wonder of Annie Liebovitz and filters.

    I think a lot of these guys wear makeup, get hormone shots and leave the original equipment alone.

    1. I'm actually serious when I link this to Goddess cult - esp. in Jenner's case.


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