Thursday, April 30, 2015

St. Pius V

April 30 is the feast of St. Pius V.  A Dominican, Pius V was a reformist pope in a very decadent era.  He was disliked by those he provoked by his reforms.  Upon ascending the Chair of Peter, he launched a reform of the Papal Court, restricting expenditures.  His reforms extended to the living arrangements of the clergy, going so far as to expel prostitutes from the city.  He also advocated that immoral homosexual clerics be handed over to the civil authorities for punishment.  He was a controversial figure who confounded the secular powers of his day as well.

Do you remember the very first thing Pope Francis did the day after his election?  He visited the tomb of St. Pius V.

I wonder why?


  1. To thank him for his fashion advice. What?

    1. Somebody is being silly this morning.

  2. Well at least he didn't shove the homosexuals off the city towers.

    1. No homocide for this pope! What?

    2. Nan - I caught that. 'homo-cide' Very clever.


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