Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Miracle of the Sun repeated, Cataract surgery, and anesthesia-dreams about Fr. Z

I finally had cataract surgery - at such a young age - I know!  Everyone remarked about me being so young and thin and handsome and how much they liked my full head of hair, but I digress.

Seriously, my doctor said it was an extraordinarily large cataract, which is why I heard all the Star Trek type noises from the ultra sound cataract vaporization equipment.  The surgery went well.  A few hours ago I already returned from my post-op and everything seems to be going well.  So we'll see - I have many drops to use.  As I write, the lap top screen is really, really bright now - so I may not be online very much.  (My expose of more-Catholic-than-the-Pope-fanatics will have to wait.)  Thanks to all the (two) people who wished me well before I went in for surgery yesterday.  What would one do without friends, huh?  Again, I digress.

Where do cataracts come from, Dad?

(Cats always want to know.)  Well, I spent too much time in the sun, without ever using sunglasses.  That was bad enough.  But I'm thinking looking directly at the sun may have contributed to the problem, disorder, what have you.

Frequently, at false apparition sites, people shout 'miraculo!  miraculo!' while pointing at the sun, and then everyone looks up to see it.  I fell for that several times at San Damiano in Italy as well as at a couple of other places, some approved, others not - Fr. Gino's ...

It doesn't matter where these things happened - because I'm quite sure someone in your parish probably sees the sun spinning in their backyard all the time, in between locutions about the anti-Pope.  Just don't go there, however.  I stupidly looked up, directly into a stationary sun - too many times.  Don't be so flipping gullible.

All I'm saying is, don't ever do that.

Anesthesia.  I used to love that stuff.  Not so much anymore.  The effects remained with me through the night.  I had nightmares about Fr. Z.  Candice Bergen was the prioress of a Poor Clare monastery and she was curator of an exhibition of my art, which Fr. Z was trying to destroy and then I exposed his connections to a money-laundering scheme he was conducting by increasing the number of donation apps on his website, setting monthly fundraising goals beyond imagining.  His cronies and followers were sent after me to kill me and destroy my artwork and writings - crazy Tenth Crusader people were after me and I took refuge in the Poor Clare enclosure - where it turns out Candice Bergen was just portraying St. Clare in a docu-drama on monastics who made Medieval GIF's instead of illuminations.  We were making it for Steven Spielberg.  Which was another reason why Fr. Z wanted me killed.

Isn't that sad though?  Not that anyone wanted me killed, but it's sad my hallucinations were about the blog and blogging personalities and stupid rumor mongering.  None of that is real.  None of it - even if you live off of donations - that is not real life.

Oh!  I don't like drugs no mo!

Happy New Year!

If you are having visions and seeing solar miracles,
wear sunglasses.


  1. How, exactly, did I miss the fact that you were having cataract surgery? What a doofus I am. Anyhoo, speaking in my optician voice now, I think you will be very pleased with the results of the surgery. It's all so computer driven now, that there's not much chance of screw ups.

    Anywho, will add extra prayers for your eyeballs.

    Wish Gabby a happy birthday...

  2. Got the beginnings of cataracts myself - probably for the same reasons - when I have mine done I pray I don't get Fr Z nightmares - but then I've never read his blog! What? Happy New Year!

  3. Was unaware of your surgery, but am glad that all went well; particularly happy that your slightly warped sense of humour remains unaffected. Dreaming about Fr. Zuhlsdorf? Shudder. Use the eye-drops, as per instructions, and have a most-excellent and blessed 2015.

  4. You survived! Well I hope you regain optimal sight.

  5. I'm telling you, if you hadn't waited until you were blinder than a bat and needed a seeing-eye cat to get around the house, the cataract wouldn't have been unusually large! I'm sure it wasn't about looking into the sun; it was about watching tv in the dark.

    I'm waiting for you to reveal the painting of your dreams.


  6. Whatever happened to mixing a little holy water and dirt, smearing it on, and washing off in the pool at the local Y? Do Catholics not do this anymore? Jesus never sent anyone to a surgeon in my bible.

    1. I kind of did that - but it didn't work. Instead, God sent me to a surgeon who did it for him. Remember how Naaman the Syrian was sent to wash in the Jordan?

      Thank you Jesus for working through the hands of those you have called to heal!

  7. Oh dear Lord. Where did that last picture come from? Front, right corner, is the most terrifying parishioner I ever had. Her name is "Marrrge." She's from "Farrrgo." She was always having interior locutions that I would be dying very soon, and that I would need many, many Masses.

    I'm glad your surgery went well, Terry. Unfortunately, I have Mackerel Disintegration, but I'm good about taking my drops..

    1. I love parish mystics - there was a guy who had secrets for me but I told him I didn't want to know them.

      Judt Dench has what you have - keep taking your drops.

  8. Happy for you, friend.

    About the successful surgery, not the dreams.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Larry - it's like a miracle already.

      The dreams were scarry - Fr. Z can be pretty severe. :)

  9. May you see as clear as can be in 2015! Praying for a full recovery.

    1. I can't believe how bright everything is and I can read street signs once again. It's amazing.

      I think I've been depressed before this - it's a brand new day for me.

  10. If you were more in communication with your best buddies you would have known that I had my left eye done in November and my right eye done Dec. 18. I'm still pouring the drops in the right eye. Three kinds, four times a day. You have thought that someone as smart as me would have realized that pressing ones nose against a computer monitor to read the type might have realized that something was wrong with me, not the computer programming.

    Anywho, I had it done and it was probably the best thing I ever had done (other than getting a set of choppers to disguise two missing front teeth two months ago). I am now The Five Thousand Dollar Man!!!. What a difference it makes. Do you know anybody who wants to buy 8 pairs of very strong reading glasses?

    1. Isn't it great! I get my next eye done on the 18th! I've got several old pairs of glasses too.

  11. Glad to hear it went well!

    Reminds me of Trainspotting. The baby scene made me never want to do drugs again.


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