Saturday, May 24, 2014

This is creepy: 'Elliot Rodger's Retribution' - a video.

“If I can’t have you, girls, I will destroy you.”

Twenty two year old lonely virgin, angered over rejection ...

It is a chilling video and article - go here to read and watch - I'm sure the video will probably be removed - I'm surprised it hasn't been already.  Rodger's parents are reportedly  Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger and his wife Soumaya Akaaboune.

I ignored the original story '7 dead in drive-by shooting' thinking it was gang related - stories it seems we hear all of the time.  When I watched the video, read the text - I realized this story was different - albeit 'school-shootings' related and becoming more common every school year.  It just keeps happening and seems to be getting worse.

This country is in collapse.



  1. I watched the video and felt like I was watching Satan himself. If this poor young man was not actually possessed, he certainly had demonic influence. He was completely self focused without any thought for anyone else. What a terrible tragic waste. He obviously had no thought of God in his life, and this was the result. God have mercy on his soul, and on the souls of all his victims.

    The only result of this will be calls for gun control, when the real problem is spiritual. These terrible tragedies happen because we have pushed God out of our lives.

    1. I agree - which is what made me think of Lennon's 'Imagine' - "no religion too". It's scary.

    2. lol if he were Satan he would have no trouble seducing women.

  2. The guy had a deep feeling of rejection and abandonment. I’m guessing Jesus would understand this in some way having uttered on his cross: “My God, My God, why have you abandoned me?” The guy’s parents divorced for whatever reason. Damage done. Happens all the time. Some can cope, others can’t. A little love, with or without religion, goes a long way to healing wounds.

    Prayer before the crucifix: I kiss the wounds that heal, and heal the wounds I kiss...

    1. Beautiful prayer.

      "Due to the increase of evil the love of many will grow cold."

  3. +JMJ+

    After a friend of mine learned that Elliot had a half-brother who had more success with women, he said that he was reminded of Cain and Abel. Except this time the humiliated brother had more innocent targets for his revenge.


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