Saturday, May 10, 2014


Yesterday I posted a couple of works I had completed.  Seeing the work in a photo is like viewing it with different eyes - especially when you have bad eyesight to begin with.  I noticed a few imperfections - at least a few I could remedy.

I worked on them last night and today.  I realized what I was really doing was trying to keep the process going.  I didn't want to let it go.  When you paint holy people - saints - you can become very close to them.  You talk to them, ponder their lives - you look at them - very deeply.  You almost see into their soul, or at least their heart.  Sometimes you seem to catch them looking at you.  That always startles me.  It happened with both Rolando and Matt.  I got a little embarrassed.

Now the panels are complete and I want to be with them - but I can't go with them yet.  That makes me sad.  So I've been kind of sad.

When I was painting Rolando I pitied him during his passion.  I wanted to protect him as if it was happening now.  I prayed for him - thinking my prayers now may have comforted him then.  That's how real it gets when you paint.

The saints only talk to me when I paint.

Sometimes I'm scared I might not be able to be with them forever.


  1. That's beautiful what you say about becoming close to the saints you're painting and "almost seeing into their soul or at least their heart" and then they also looking at you. I imagine in Heaven they are very pleased and happy you're painting them! The young saint Rolando Rivi also reminded me of the other young martyr killed during the civil strife in Mexico, 1920's - 1930's, 13 yr. old, Blessed Jose Luis Sanchez del Rio on February 10, 1928.

  2. Since the saints are the very best of friends to us, I am sure that they will never fail you, Terry. And since your art introduces them to so many friends that might never have known them, they will be very grateful to you in Heaven. Communion with the saints begins here on earth, after all, but it reaches its perfection in Paradise in the love and presence of the Blessed Trinity.

  3. You've been gifted aplenty, Terry. Love your "Crazy painter talk." :)

  4. OK. This confirms it.Terry, you are a deeper artist than I. I painted "Resurrection" [] fast and sat with it less than a week before sending it to the client. Apparently the person who received it as a gift from the person who had me do the work, apparently when they saw it they wept, on their knees. But that was them. I was grateful, of course, that it touched them. Still, making it didn't make me want to rush to heaven. I'm too base.

    1. Yes - but you are a real artist.

      I looked at it and I like it.

      I wish you and Paul lived next door. Of course I'm kind of a recluse so we'd probably not be any closer. ;)

      When I began my painting I did the layout and underpainting - I almost liked it better than my finished work. I think I may do another saint and paint him like that and post it to see what people think. I believe my icon training confines me very often. I love the freedom of spirit in your Resurrection.

    2. If we did live closer together I think we'd have some kinda Catholic fun, that's for sure.

      Tis' true I am untrained, all round. I just do what I do how real that makes me is, I suppose, relevant but I appreciate the kind word of a fellow artist who also a fellow Catholic. I could probably use some training and not only in my art.


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