Friday, February 28, 2014

"Russia may act in a surprise way..." - Maria Esperanza

Russia may act in a surprise way, when you least expect it… [God's] justice will begin in Venezuela. - The Bridge to Heaven: Interviews with Maria Esperanza of Betania

I've not been a follower of the Servant of God, Maria Esperanza, but the recent developments in the Ukraine and Crimea seem to be cause for concern.  Venezuela is having its problems as well.  Hence her prophecy comes to mind as I watch the news and read about the latest developments in Russia.  


  1. There's an anonymous mystic/visionary who is under the direction of a reputable monsignor (one of the many priests who claim they were a friend and spiritual director of Mother Theresa), and she publishes her locutions online. She also has some alarmist things to say about Russia. She also claimed last year that the Pope would be assassinated in Israel. I remembered her prediction when I read that Pope Francis would be going to Israel in May.

    Sounds troubling, but I think she and the monsignor are well-meaning souls who have been duped. I've always been a news junkie and taught World Politics three times at UM (it was my minor for my PhD), and her extensive predictions about world affairs are simply nuts. A handful of her predictions may come true, but the other hundred have a probability of .01.

    1. Notice how detailed the Esperanza prophecy is: "Russia may act in surprise way.".

      I'm familiar with Monsignor Essef and the locutionist - I thought the same thing when the trip to Israel was proposed.

      I saw a CBS photo from Syria - throngs of refugees walking through the ruined streets of a city - just like the 3rd secret.

      We know bad things are coming - quite naturally. Even without a PhD or a degree in mystical theology, we can know by ordinary cause and effect, natural understanding, the signs of the times.

      Now Scott, if you close your eyes real tight, turn off all the sound you can hear Nathan Thurm say, "I knew that!"

  2. Terry - I have been looking for the full text of the Esperanza prophecy about Russia and have not been able to find it online. Do you have a link? Thanks

    1. It's from one of Michael Brown's books. Michael often cites it on Spirit Daily, maybe he has it in his archives.

    2. Thanks, probably have to buy the book, but I did find this -


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