Friday, September 20, 2013

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who when the world was growing cold, in order that the hearts of men might burn anew with the fire of Your love, you chose Francis to be our Pope...

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Anyway, continuing to celebrate with the Church and especially the Jesuits, I want to share with you a piece Fr. James Martin, S.J. wrote for Time:
But this new interview came with the pope’s complete approval and cooperation. 
Originally, the editors of America approached the Vatican for an interview, but we were told that the pope generally doesn’t enjoy the interview format.  Not long afterwards, we learned that the Italian Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica was also interested in the idea.  Once we teamed with Civiltà, and later joined forces with other Jesuit journals, the pope agreed.  Questions were sent to Antonio Spadaro, SJ, the editor in chief of Civiltà, and in a series of sit-down interviews, Fr. Spadaro and the Holy Father had a long conversation. 
Finally, and most importantly, the Italian-language version was personally approved by the Pope. Thus, this interview is an even more reliable indication of the pope’s desires for the church, and affords us a clearer idea of the pope’s new course for the church. - Time

1 comment:

  1. I too am happy about this wonderful interview but at the same time sad as I visited a few other Catholic blogs today and found many Catholics claiming to be "confused, demoralized, indignant, "how dare the Pope say what he said" attitudes, taking his words out of context and then slamming him for saying what he did not say."

    I thought of our Lord Jesus Christ who too was misunderstood, condemned, and misquoted.

    After such reflection, I smiled. I smiled because to be in the company of the Crucified One is the best place to be!

    Thank you Papa Francis for your courage and your warmth and your love!

    Virgencita de Guadalupe,
    Protect and defend your little son, Francisco, who wants only to proclaim the love and mercy of your precious son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Keep him close to you and under your holy mantle all the days of his life. May his reign as Supreme Pontiff give glory to God and to His Church!

    San Ignacio de Loyola, ora pro nobis! Amen!


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