Monday, February 06, 2012

Memorial of the Martyrs of Nagasaki

On Feb. 6, the Catholic Church honors the 26 Martyrs of Nagasaki, a group of native Japanese Catholics and foreign missionaries who suffered death for their faith in the year 1597. - Read more here.

See what can happen when Government seeks to restrict religious freedom?  Or rid itself of Catholics?


  1. Gonsalo Garcia.

    Now Saint Gonsalo Garcia.

    When he was martyred, someone in the crowd stated "Because you have killed him, one day Nagasaki will be destroyed."

    They tortured him first because he spoke fluent Japanese and they wanted to hear him beg for mercy.

    He sang Vespers while they were torturing him.

    Nagasaki was an alternate target for the A-Bomb; a cloud cover came over Kyoto, Nagasaki was destroyed.

    During the coming persecution, what will you sing?


  2. "During the coming persecution, what will you sing?"
    Mozart's Requiem.

  3. During the coming persecution, what will you sing?

    I don't know, but I know it won't be Haugen.

  4. This group of martyrs has always tugged at my heart in a special way. While it happened some centuries ago, it just seems like yesterday.

  5. Salve Regina.

    Interspersed with shouts of Viva Cristo Rey!


  6. Terry, that's a powerful painting. I was thinking the same thing this morning about the Nagasaki martyrs & what's coming for us politically ...

  7. Oh, I thought all that martyrdom and persecution stuff was hyperbole ;)

  8. Here is more hyperbole for you:

    and let's not forget the little children:

    I guess the Devil is a fairy tale?


  9. Pablo, Maria was only kidding. Hence the "wink" smiley she added.

  10. Quit teasing a Cristero.

    It's not nice.

    Sorry, Maria.


  11. Thanks, Larry. Not to worry, Pablo.

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Who is the artist of this painting of the memorial of the martyrs? Terry Nelson?

    Ouida Tomlinson, SFO,


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