Monday, December 27, 2010

Was Christmas over yesterday?

Christmas season.

I was sitting in the Blessed Virgin's chapel, praying my rosary before Mass yesterday, the first Sunday after Christmas, Feast of the Holy Family, when I heard a jovial usher respond to another man's Merry Christmas greeting with;  "That's all over now - Christmas is over - now it's the New Year!"  (He repeated his catechesis to everyone who came in.)  I recognized the man's voice and was really surprised he was so convinced Christmas was over already - he is a daily Mass goer after all.  Sunday was only the second day of Christmas.

I would never attempt to correct the gentleman, especially since he was so convinced Christmas was over.  One can explain things to religious people over and over, but one is usually unsuccessful in changing their opinion.  I couldn't help being entertained by the irony of it all however.  Throughout Advent we heard the militant demands that secular businesses and newsrooms say "Merry Christmas", while Catholics were told to hold back on the Christmas celebrations until Christmas...  and predictably, the day after Christmas, not a few people think it's over.  (My sister takes her tree down the day after.  I know!)

To be sure marketing and retail proclaim it is over, and since many consumers worship in that temple, I suppose their Christmas is over.  However, if one prays, and especially if one's prayer is based in liturgical prayer, one understands that Christmas is a season traditionally referred to as Christmastide, and the first eight to twelve days are Christmas.  (Albeit with Epiphany transferred to Sunday, the liturgical season appears shortened this year as well.) 

Anyway, religious people who like to wear their religion on buttons and bumper stickers ought to know better.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Love this painting!

  2. Thanks Maria! Merry Christmas again!

  3. I knew a woman who took her tree and decorations down on Christmas Eve. I guess she thought once the meal was eaten and the guests had left, Christmas was over.

    Whatever. I don't give a rip anymore what other people do. I have enough trouble keeping myself in line.

  4. Merry Christmas, Terry!

    Working in the restaurant last night, when saying good-bye to the guests, I said "Merry Christmas" each time - some of them got it, and answered back, others just gave me a look like "does this dude realize that Christmas was *yesterday*?"

    No one knows that it ends on the 6th of January, and that in an area that begins Mardi Gras on "King's Day", of which "King Cake" is an integral part. Has anyone ever heard of the twelve days of Christmas?

    Maybe we should start celebrating Boxing Day?

  5. thanks for the reminder.

  6. Mexicans.

    This is why I love them:

    The Virgin of Guadalupe Feast Day is the only Holy Day of Obligation in Mexico.

    Christmas starts on December 12th, and is over on the Feast Day of the Reyes Magos.

    What do you need besides being Catholic cien porcento to be Mexican and celebrate Christmas?

    Bright Colors, Loud Music, and lots of Tamales y Tequila.

    God belss Mexico.

    Its the country of;

    Viva Cristo Rey!


  7. Merry Christmas, Terry.

    I got the 3 French hens you mailed me - they were delicious.

    But don't send me the leaping Lords this year, please. Give 'em to Adoro instead.

  8. My christmas tree will probably come down next week as my mom is here visiting and she can "undecorate" while I'm at work :) I still have WAY TOO MANY decorations....will probably thin some out over thsi New Year weekend. It is supposed to get damn cold over the weekend as Artic storm is going to hit..we had snow yesterday and more on the way..I can sympathize with the East Coasters...

    I got a new fake prelit tree this year--just LOVE it as I don't have to worry about watering it when I'm travelling plus the cats won't eat I've always hated stringing lights on the tree..Got a REAL wreath and it will stay on the door as long as it isn't a fire hazard..

    Pablo--amen to the tequila and tamales...I buy mine (tamales) from the street vendors so I know better than to ask what the meat is..but they are oh so good!! The tequila we get here in Utah is lame and only good for making margaritas..the cable guy showed up today to install my cable TV and there is wiring problems in my house..which means I need to fight it out with the HOA..guess I wasn't meant to watch making margaritas :) Plenty of ice outside to make them with :)

    Merry Christmas to all!!

    Sara in snowy frozen Utah..

  9. When I was away from the church and in Protestant land..(love my brothers and sisters) no one even understood what it meant to "prepare" for Christmas. That was religious bunk you were set free from when you walked away from "religion". There was no point to anything once Christmas Day passed.
    So sad..
    So happy to be home.

  10. Isn't Christmas over once the dishes are washed and you go to the mall to return your reject gifts?

    I can't tell you where I was today, except to say that several of Terry's paintings were involved; however, no partridges, pear trees, lords a leaping, ladies dancing, golden rings, french hens, turtle doves, geese a-laying or otherwise, maids a milking, calling birds, pipers, drummers, or swans were injured in the process.

  11. +JMJ+

    It's Los Inocentes for me--the perfect day to remember that I have not yet wished you a happy Christmas.

    Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays, Terry!!! =D

  12. Merry Christmas Enbrethiliel

  13. Well, I can see what the usher was saying. He had to work the Masses and is probably releived that the whole thing is over. The rest of the Christmas season is easy.

  14. Dymphna - I never thought of it that way! Thanks - that makes better sense. Merry Christmas!


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