Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wish I had said that.

Oh! I did!
Our Word is a terribly respectable blog, usually found on highly esteemed blogrolls, written by genuinely ardent Catholics (unlike some people, they would never use that term themselves). In fact Our Word was once a strictly Catholic blog, but I suppose one could say the blog owners branched out, becoming even more catholic; in effect, offering a decidedly Catholic point of view and commentary upon contemporary culture, politics and the arts.
The real life authors post well composed articles dealing with opera, popular culture, literary works, cinema, Broadway, news headlines, as well as Catholic interests, and sports stuff that I don't get. Omigosh! They write political commentary too. Their posts are frequently without pictures, so I haven't a clue as to what they are about unless I recognize names such as Ethel Merman or Fred Astair or Helena Rubenstein - I wonder what happened to her? Maybe that will be my next post if they ask me back. But be forewarned, some of their posts can be dense - I know because I count all the words - their word(s) - and quite honestly, there are usually more than I can handle. Except for when they do a post titled "Wish I'd said that" - it's usually a pithy quote from someone well known - really easy to read, and I sometimes get it too.
Anyway. Judith's husband Mitchell asked me to contribute something to their wonderfully enjoyable, yet hi-brow blog, and I did. (They're slumming again!) Please check it out, it is all about Red Carpet Kulture - well sort of - the blog format contains lots of red. (I know, makes no sense.) Sorry - no photos, you will just have to read it.

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