And the astrological connection to Juno.
Catherine Deneuve bore a child from each of her affairs - well, maybe two them - the first with Roger Vadim, the second from her relationship with Marcello Mastroianni. That was shocking for the middle of the 20th century.
Loretta Young had an affair with Clark Gable and became pregnant, disappeared from the lime-light, only to return with two adopted children. The scandal was covered up.
Yet the phenomenon of having a baby out of wedlock may be quickly explained by using astrology. (Except in the case of Madonna, where two of her fertility god's birth dates are unknown.) Juno symbolizes the love affair that does not grow into a marriage. Was this brought out in the film? Because some Christian groups who praised the film may not know of its astrological/occult connections. (Can you hear the Twilight Zone theme song now? I know!)
Don't quote me on this, but I heard that the American Girl Doll is coming out with a pregnant teen doll, where the baby just pops out when you squeeze her tummy. The doll, as well as more high profile teenagers getting pregnant, will occasion many wonderful teaching moments for your children. The doll is expected to debut this Christmas shopping season. Water and after birth not included.