Monday, June 04, 2007

The Fetus Feels Stress...Really?

"New research conducted by doctors in England shows that unborn children can face emotional stress during a pregnancy as the baby's mother faces stress herself. Pro-life advocates say the study has implications for abortion as society learns more about the amazing development of children before birth.

The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists released the results of the study on Thursday and says that unborn babies as early as 17 weeks into pregnancy suffer from stress.

The stress results when hormones transferred from anxious mothers reach the baby through the placenta." - "Unborn babies face emotional stress during pregnancy"
Makes sense to me!
I'll bet that is what happened to me! (Why I am so nuts, that is.) My mother was kind of nuts, divorced-remarried-to-my-wife-beater-dad, she had been a Roman Catholic nun-wanna be in her youth, laden with guilt and fear that she was going straight to hell because of getting married outside the Church and giving birth to a bastard. Fighting and drinking was a growing problem in that marriage, thus it must have been rather stressful.
Of course, after birth - that's a good name for me! - things did not get much better. My dad's mother, grandma - as we liked to call her (she was nuts too), tried to kidnap me out of my mother's arms, in a big scene in downtown New Richmond, Wisconsin. (My mother won.) Nevertheless, as years went on, her depression and drinking got worse, as did my dad's, and there were a lot more fights.
So yeah, stress probably does affect the unborn child, maybe prepares him for a stressful life. This new, groundbreaking study, similar to those which say that fetus thing can feel pain too, is maybe going to affect the abortion mentality - so the pro-life advocates and researchers claim. I'm wondering if Planned Parenthood will simply turn this around and and use it as another excuse to abort, fearing that infants with emotional damage will not make very good prospects as adults.
Sometimes, when I grow impatient with the abortion thing, I'm tempted to agree with the views of Nathan Lane's character in the "Birdcage", playing the role of Albert, dressed up as Mrs. Coleman. When discussing abortion with Senator Keeley, he/she replied, "Well, why not just kill the mothers? - Oh, I know what you're going to say. 'If you kill the mother, the fetus dies too.' But the fetus is going to be aborted anyway, so why not let it go down with the ship? "
Have a nice day!


  1. Anonymous5:01 PM

    "when my mom was pregnant with me, her eldest child was 17-years-old & diagnosed with pancreatic cancer & given less than a week to live. mom said i was doing somersaults in her womb; she was beyond stressed out. this could explain a LOT! come to think of it, the next time my sister wants to behave self-righteously I could blame HER for my SSA! LOL.
    btw, my mom prayed & prayed & on the day the doctors entered my sister's hospital room to collect her body, she was sitting up & waiting for breakfast - hungry. doctors ran tests & found no trace of the cancer, & said to this day there's no medical reason she's living. i know the reason she's living: she's manure for my tree."

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    When I was pregnant w/my first child, I came upon some Jewish writings about how a husband was to treat his pregnant wife ... I read it to my husband who is Jewish ... he was great ... the bottom line on the instructions ... keep peace, keep her calm and care for her needs .... you will have a calm baby ...

    Yep! Our first baby laughed all the time. At 6-mos. while visiting family (@ a reunion), my father came up to us and said that "something is wrong w/your child". When I asked why he said that, he said that he hadn't heard her cry all week!

    Our second child was always smiling ... we called him the smiling buddha because of his smile & large belly ... he is skinny now, but still smiling.

    Your posting reminded me of these experiences...

  3. Terry, it's been known for years that a fetus feels pain. Have you ever heard of the abortion ultrasound film the Silent Scream? It was filmed in an abortion clinic and it shows the baby moving away from the suction device, and it's heart rate speeds up to 200 BPM. You can see the child scream in the ultrasound. You just can't hear him. Check it out, but it's graphic. It's a real abortion - piece by piece.

  4. Thanks Paramedicgirl. I have seen that film and I was pretty much being facetious in the post. I find the entire subject so outrageous - and especially the denial of pro-choice people who think the child is some anonymous thing called a fetus.

    My posts yesterday were tainted with sarcasm and impatience.


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