Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Holy Father and peace...

Pope Benedict XV

Pope Benedict XV had a peace plan in 1917, in accord with Emperor Charles' support (now Blessed Charles of Austria) which was subsequently ignored by other world leaders who were capable of preventing the 'Great War', World War I. Popes have often gone ignored in history, or defamed and lied about, such is the case with Pius XII, and more recently, Paul VI in his encyclical "Humanae Vitae". Now perhaps Benedict XVI is being ignored as one of the lone voices speaking out against the escalating conflict in the Middle East.

It is reported today that the Holy Father emerged from a chapel dedicated to the Holy Virgin saying, " 'It seems to me that in this moment, something is moving,' Benedict told reporters on his return from a visit to the Our Lady of Healing shrine where he prayed for peace." [snip - Guardian] He must believe something is happening that may lead to a peaceful settlement. He asked prayers for the meeting in Rome today of leaders seeking a peaceful solution to the war betwen Hezbollah and Israel. (Although it appears there has not been any firm resolution forthcoming from the Roman meeting as of this post.)

"Pray the prayers of the rosary for peace." Our Lady of Fatima from her peace plan of 1917.

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