Friday, June 14, 2019

Some days the news is too sad to read.

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Obianuju Ekeocha
This PBS documentary airbrushes abortion to make it look like some healthy new age practice.

The women in blue is pregnant with twins and she is filmed here taking the abortion pill to kill them. You witness their killing😢
And her statement at the end is chilling.

Killing me softly! 

How deluded we are today. How stone-hearted and cold. I came across an article on a Frontline documentary on the abortion divide in the U.S., wherein a woman takes the abortion pill and aborts her twins in real time.  One activist said that PBS “airbrushes abortion to make it look like some healthy new age practice.”  I call it white-washing an atrocity. Legitimizing evil.

Some days the evils of the day are overwhelmingly sad. This morning I also read about the Lesbian couple who tried to perform transgender surgery on their 9-Year-old son and stabbed him to death after they botched it.  Story here.  WTH?  Did they have a kid to have a pet?  Only to arbitrarily try to make him a girl - to their liking?  It's a hideous disregard for human life, disordered and complicated further by the new age cult of gender theory.  

On another FB post, I read that the little baby taken from his murdered mother's womb has died. The baby boy cut from his murdered mother's womb in Chicago died - in his father's arms.  That story here.

The grief is heart-rending. 

Why do we kill one another? Why do we do this stuff? Over and over. Why do we lie and call evil good? Why do we pretend we are civilized and intelligent and good?  Why do we hate? How can we justify supporting claiming it is a human right to choose?

As a culture, we are here ... and we party on.


  1. I will pray my rosary for the innocent children murdered. Who died alone without anyone to rescue them, born and unborn.
    So sad ... how long oh Lord, how long?

    1. That is the *very best* defense of life, Yaya! My Franciscan fraternity prays the rosary peacefully (and smiles at the clients and escorts) in front of the local abortion clinic every 3rd Saturday. The results of this are sometimes startling and gratifying. Not only do clients occasionally walk away and tell us they are going to read the pamphlets we have available for options that will support parents and children with supplies and counseling, but we have witnessed the closing of the clinic we prayed at (although another opened a few miles away - just like Whack-A Mole). In addition, one memorable Saturday, I was praying peacefully with a brother Franciscan - no gruesome signs, no hassling anyone. Another protester was screaming at the clients, accusing them of murder, etc., and holding a bloody, horrid poster with a picture of an aborted child. I approached the man and told him I was once a 16 year-old girl, and would never have approached an older man screaming at me like that, and that our only chance to get our message out was for the clients to come to us for help. He refused to stop, so we went to the back sidewalk by the rear parking lot to pray in peace. The escort and security guard came out and walked toward us. We braced ourselves for trouble, but smiled and said good morning. To our astonishment, the escort told us that she appreciated our prayer support, and that their clients need exactly that because they are in very desperate circumstances and are frightened. We told her that we not only pray for them, but for her and the clinical personnel and security guard as well. She told us she is a Baptist and would never see eye to eye with us about abortion, but that we were welcome any time - prayers are *never* out of place for others - and that we had permission to walk up their driveway to our cars when we were ready to leave (normally, stepping even one foot off the public sidewalk is forbidden - in past they had called the police - who came with dogs - on one of our Franciscans who had innocently stepped into the lot to hand a pamphlet to a client). Yes, my dear sister - as St. Pio told us, the rosary is indeed a powerful weapon, and calling on our Mother to defend others against abortion is absolutely appropriate and necessary! God bless you, dear Yaya! - Susan, OFS

    2. Susan, thank you for that!

  2. Terry, do you really wonder WHY there is so much evil in the world and why it is getting worse every day?

  3. I received a prayer card in the mail yesterday from the Marians that promote the Divine Mercy devotion from Stockbridge, MA. It reads: You who breathe life into creation by the power of the Holy Spirit, and make each and every person in Your image and likeness, send forth the Holy Spirit anew upon those who are contemplating abortion. Dispel their fears, comfort them in sorrow, and grant them courage to choose to bring forth this new life into the world, which is a precious gift from You. Provide for them love and support from those around them to help ease the burden they carry at this time. Help them to see the light of Your face and Your joy. Delight in them and their child, and grant them a spirit of wisdom and understanding to direct their path. Amen.
    (Prayer cards can be purchased in bulk from the Marian's website.)

  4. The statement is chilling as it is honest. She admits it was the gift of life and that they are "beings". But she is God and she chooses to bestow life or to take it away. Because we told her she is God in this matter (she is a captive child of the culture of death). I know of Buddhists who will not kill a fly because it is a sentient being. What about these sentient beings?


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