Friday, February 17, 2017

The cost of protecting the very rich ... remember when people started calling Mrs. Obama "Mooch"?

A friend sent me information on the cost of security for the Trump family.

I seriously don't get into this type of stuff, but when my friend was telling about what it costs to protect the First Family, I reminded him of how anti-Obama pundits coined the name "Mooch" for Mrs. Obama.  I think Limbaugh coined the name - with his 'fake' news and 'alternative facts' regarding the First Lady's trip to Spain.
Conservative media's attacks on Spain vacation based on falsehoods 
Limbaugh falsely claims taxpayers funding 60 luxury hotel rooms for Michelle Obama's vacation
I think Trump's claims regarding fake news  starts with him and the talk radio fanatics who live off rumor and gossip.

I'm not going into the details, but just Google the cost of security for Trump's family to see the expenses involved.

I'm not against Secret Service protecting the First Family - I'm against the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who disparaged the Obama family as well as spread fake news and alternative facts about their family life and their lifestyle.


  1. Looking at all of this with an eye leaning towards "whatever," I gotta say that President Trump has a bigger family than Obama does and therefore it is gonna cost more money to guard them plus the fact that they are being threatened more than the Obamas ever were. President Trump has family spread out too. The First Lady and their son in New York, until school's out, a gaggle of cute grand kids, the Trump sons with their wives, his sister, daughter Tiffany in New York, attending fashion week, Ivanka and cute hubby but they live right next door anyway ... etc.
    I wish no harm upon them. IMO, the family should be off limits in both verbal, written, and especially, any possible physical attacks.

    As far as the Obamas go, I never paid much attention to the Mrs. being called Mooch, I just figured folks had their reasons. Now, with a change in power, the side that was "offended" has taken to calling our current POTUS all kinds of names including our First Lady. I have read them referring to her as a "high paid escort, a former porn starlet, a former prostitute."

    If we are gonna call folks hypocrites, all I need do is open the front page and there they are ... the left, screaming insults and raging against "fake news and alternative facts" all while hurling insults at the Trump administration and the First Lady.
    Too bad they have resumed their cycle of hypocrisy rather than end it and take the high road.

    I seem to recall that for the longest time, the MSM has been the king of fake news and alternative facts ... spinning the truth to suit their agenda. Why can't they just be honest?

    And the actual fake news/alternative facts? All President Trump and his staff did was put a name on it.

    1. The fake news and alternative facts is a production of the far right and the far left - Sarah Palin was practiced at it ... death panels, birther movement, and all of that. It wouldn't surprise me if today's fake news picked up by the Associated Press on Nat'l Guard being deployed was deliberately leaked to further discredit MSM.

      Fact check, people.

  2. Three million per weekend golf outing. Now approaching third straight weekend. One million a day to let Barron's school year not be disrupted like other first children's were. Trump is a a high maintanence man. We are paying in more then money. I keep praying.

  3. No, Trump and his surrogates use the phrase "fake news" on *anything* that is critical of the President and his stupid movement. The media is certainly reaping the whirlwind, but I do not see Trump and his ilk as speaking truth to power -- they're rather dishonest hucksters taking advantage of an environment of dishonesty, relativists using the atmosphere of relativism. I don't see any "good guys" in this fight.

    1. By naming it they own it ... like Terry warned us before, we are all in for a bumpy ride. I am gonna go hide now. ^^)

    2. Fake news is another name for propaganda - both sides use it. Lies and defamation is part of it, I think that used to be called 'Yellow Journalism' - it's all part of fake news. It is what is being used against the Church - esp. as regards Burke and the Pope. Fake news is rumors, gossip, innuendo, detraction, calumny, and so on.

      It's the devil who owns that trademark.

  4. Also, there's the hypocrisy of him supposedly not taking a salary, yet the decisions he has made for himself and his family cost the US taxpayers something to the tune of a million a day.

    The hypocrisy is thick on the ground nowadays. If a Democrat had done or said anything remotely close to the kind of stuff Trump says or does, the Fox News folks would be out in the streets with their "Don't Tread on Me" flags. But it's okay because he's "our" autocrat. And the left is just shot through with it as well.

  5. Michelle was called Mooch after some lavish tripss, I think one was to Spain. The children and some cousins were listed on the flight manifest as staff so got paid on taxpayer dime to vacation. Her mother became staff to take care of the children while living at the white house so I assume that if Trumps in laws come to stay and help with Barron, there's no issue with their employment and future $160k annual pensions. Right?

    I can't believe that people begrudge the president's family secret service protection. They have jobs and have lives so yeah, it will cost to protect them. They can't be expected to sit at home for the next 4 yrs.

    I also can't believe that anyone thinks that parents choosing not to disrupt their child's school year is inappropriate. Because other people value their time in the limelight over their family, it's not okay for Trump to do something different?

    1. "Michelle was called Mooch after some lavish tripss, I think one was to Spain. The children and some cousins were listed on the flight manifest as staff so got paid on taxpayer dime to vacation. Her mother became staff to take care of the children while living at the white house"

      Makes sense now as to why she is called Mooch. Interesting indeed. 😆

    2. The history of the 'mooch' label is embedded in my post - it was based on 'fake' news and popularized by Rush Limbaugh. The origin of 'fake news' as a term seems to be with the Trump camp - and it is definitely a right-wing-nut tea partier MO. Think back to Sarah Palin and the death panels scare tactics.

      BTW - no one is thinking the Trumps do not deserve SS protection, the issue I have is how much rightwingnuts made such a big deal of the Obama benefits - which were equally deserved. Can't people see their equal participation in the lies and propaganda both sides generate and exploit to the detriment of the people of the United States?

      BTW - the Obama's paid for their stay in the private quarters at the White House, meaning they pay for their food,clothes, etc, it's also my understanding that grandma was not a government employee - that is another bit of fake news from the RWN side. The Obamas paid her expenses from their payroll.

      My post is not about cost of living - I'm talking secret service protection costs - it's a lot higher for the Trumps. It's just a fact.

    3. "I'm talking secret service protection costs - it's a lot higher for the Trumps. It's just a fact."

      Of course the cost is higher ... they are a bigger family and are more spread out.

      That's a fact too.

    4. And as I said at the end of my post: "I'm not against Secret Service protecting the First Family - I'm against the hypocrisy of Trump supporters who disparaged the Obama family as well as spread fake news and alternative facts about their family life and their lifestyle."

    5. And just a heads up - I've posted some negative stuff on the Obama's I'm not proud of. Just put Michelle Obama in the search box. I think I'm familiar with the back and forth volley of mean-spirited news stories. If we don't learn from our mistakes it appears we repeat them until we do.

    6. I understand Terry. We have pouring rain here in Southern California. I hope your part of the US stays nice and cozy. ^^

    7. Yaya stay dry and safe. We expect temps in the 50's over the next few days. Little snow this year again. Very odd. As for Trump and SS costs. It is what it is. I am more concerned about the attitude that they seem to have to take no efforts to contain it. After only one month, three trips to what he now calls the "Winter White House", both sons traveling overseas with a full contingent, wife and son staying apart, it just balloons logistical and financial resources. Then the commingling of business and government. Are we paying for time at Mar a Logo? His sons and daughters are present for government meetings while still doing Trump business. It is messy at best dangerously fraudulent at worst. Meanwhile the Director of the Secret Service is leaving after a short tenure in a month or so. Why? No reason yet reported but the Services resources are spread pretty thin right now. I want them Protected of course but I also would like to see my restraint as well on their part. I see them all as pretty arrogant and thoughtlessly squandering my dime. Is that wrong?

    8. Yaya - I knew you would. I hope you can cuddle up and watch it storm and I pray no damage is done. God bless you!

    9. My understanding is that the secret service guy was a holdover from Obama.

    10. Independent position not political appointment.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. Ok or not ok is not the point. They make the decisions and we pay. I think you are mistaken about family of any President being on the government payroll. As for free travel on the government dime they all do it. Do not forget Wiley Trump has not paid federal income tax for many years. So he is really the ultimate "freeloader." And hypocrite for criticizing Obama for golfing so much in Va. and going on vacation. Trump told a us he never vacations. Time will tell if Malinda ever moves herself and Barron to D.C. She seems less then thrilled with this whole thing.


    1. For sure Michelle's mother was not a Federal employee - that's fake news. The Obama's were responsible for her expenses.

    2. Trump took advantage of the laws that are in place. I have no issue with not paying taxes when no taxes are due.

      You have so little respect for the president that you can't bother learning the first lady's name? It's Melania, not Malinda. Melanie with an a at the end. It's not that difficult, she even anglicized it to make it easier.

  8. Well Nan first of all it was autocorrect that changed Melania's name in my post. No ability to edit post. So you assumption is wrong on that one. We do not yet know if the no federal tax paid was legal since he will not release tax returns. An IRS audit, if one is underway, could find mistakes and fraud. The only other people who pay little to no tax are mobsters and he is associated with them as well. Sit tight you will soon be learning what a class act we have elected.

  9. Most of the time I notice the automisspell and correct it before hitting publish. I have no issue with his refusal to release his taxes. That isn't a requirement for president. Obama didn't release his transcripts, which is also not required. Unless individual states add such requirements to be on the ballot or there's a constitutional amendment that the presidential candidates produce such information to the public concurrently with filing for office, it's candidates choice.


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