Tuesday, September 01, 2015

One less bell to answer ...

Elizabeth Scalia is taking over Aleteia.

I've always liked and admired Elizabeth Scalia.  I have to admit I was jealous of her blog-name:  The Anchoress - I wanted to be The Anchorite but I thought people would accuse me of copying or stealing her thunder.  You know - like the blogger who stole Amy Welborn's quote from Flannery, or the blogger who stole my picture of Baby Jane.  But I don't do that kind of stuff.  Nope.

Anyway.  I really believe Elizabeth Scalia built the Patheos Catholic Channel to become what it is today.  Seriously, her presence as editor always put me at ease with what came out of the Catholic sector.  She had my trust.  I think she will do very well at Aleteia and she announced she will be creating her own new, independent site - I look forward to that as well.

Now that she's gone - there are only five sites on Patheos which continue to interest me.  Melinda Selmys being the only woman, followed by Mark Shea, Deacon K., Fr. L., and LarryD.  They update regularly, create interesting content - except for Larry* - and they usually elicit a comment, a question, or even a post from me.

Very seriously and sincerely, congratulations to Elizabeth Scalia - she's elevated Catholic blogging to a respectable level of literacy and journalistic integrity.  Prayers and best wishes!


Song for this post here.  Whaaat?


  1. Terry check out Dave Armstrong a new (but legendary in a true sense) Catholic apologist who's made it onto patheos. He's a great dialogue person and uses scripture to prove Catholic teaching. I've known of him the past couple years and he's great at charitably calling out radical Traditonalists

  2. Terry, I follow Deacon Greg and Fr. L too. Once ina while I read Katheryn Lopez and a few others. All the best to Elizabeth on her new venture.

  3. I do hope I am not reading too much in to your choice of tumblr moving image ..... if I recognise it correctly, it comes from a scene towards the end of a film called "Ida" ..... and shows one of the key characters jumping to her death...... My review of "Ida" here: http://rccommentary2.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/film-review-ida.html.

    1. Yes, that's the scene from "Ida" where the murderous Communist, alcoholic slut jumps to her death.


    2. A friend sent me the gif and it just struck me as funny - I didn't see Ida yet so now I'm sad that I know this. What?

    3. Joe - just read your review - now I must see the film! Thanks very much. My use of the gif had no relationship to the film of course.

      Thanks for letting me know where it's from. Excellent review as well.

    4. As far as I know, The Anchoress is not an alcoholic.


    5. Terry: "Ida" won the Oscar earlier this year for best foreign film. And I think I would view the lady shown in your gif more sympathetically than Scott. Isn't the Church's teaching on suicide grounded in an understanding of suicide as a manifestation of the ultimate denial of the virtue of hope that is despair?

    6. Thanks Joe - I do remember it won the Oscar. I will get it and watch it.

      From what I've read I view the lady in the gif more sympathetically as well, though I have a feeling Scott being callous was a bit facetious.

  4. This just in: Contenders for the new editor position at Patheos Catholic is said to have been boilded down to three: Christine Niles, Pat Archbold and Tonto Edwards!

    My bet is on Tonto.

    1. Tonto means dumb in Spanish. You sure you didn't mean Tito? ;p

    2. Really? I didn't know that - that was what they called the Lone Ranger's sidekick.

      I did mean Tito though.

    3. Stop being so funny.

      And thanks for reading me - means a lot to me. I promise to improve, too.

      (love the gif!)

    4. Tonto...yep the Lone Ranger's sidekick but well, the name was just screaming to be translated and I could not resit being silly. ^^


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