Thursday, March 26, 2015

Is it gossip or news?

I'm not one to gossip, Bernice, but I did hear him shout,
'Turn in your cape and buskins, you filthy whore, you're a disgrace to the college!'

And should we care?

I noted two stories online that I kind of wanted to post and comment on, then I held back, thinking it may be more gossip than news.  Then two respected Catholics online posted on the same stories I had been thinking of commenting on - one has an open combox, the other doesn't - so I'll just do my own post.

Remember Dave Stone?*

Life on the Rock host, Franciscan priest, left, got married?  He's in the news again.  Story here.  I'm thinking he's innocent of abuse charges.  The story has inspired me to pray for him however.

  • Moral of the story: Priests, only do spiritual direction in the confessional and never, ever get chummy with women - unless you're gay.  What?

Cardinal O'Brien, the Sean Connery of the Catholic Cardinalate...

The Cardinal who had to turn in his cappa magna may have inadvertently brought unwanted attention - and threats of exposure to other prelate(s).  Story here.

  • Moral of the story: If you are gay and you know it, don't become a priest.  Refuse episcopal honors.  Don't become friends and hang out with your penitents and/or those you direct spiritually.  Stay out of the parks.  What?

*Did I ever mention how I knew he might fall away?  He was handsome, rolled up his sleeves on his habit, and just the way he comported himself on set.  Nutty, huh?  But I always go back to St. Teresa's counsel about vanity in a priest.  She warned her nuns to stay away.  It's a fine point of discretion - but one picks up on certain things.  I've been fooled at times as well - so it's not infallible.  Penitents and directees can fool themselves too - going after a certain priest one may esteem for any sort of reason - vainly rejoicing in natural goods for instance.  Priests have to be very careful of this sort of thing in penitents, and not fall for flattery.  "Oh Father!  That homily was perfect and you look really good in that semi-sheer alb with the lace hem - is it silk?"


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well, at least you know. ;)

    2. Yaya...I knew I liked you!!!! : ) Saints who are born saints are always boring to me...I like ones who had a little pizzaz going on in their past!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I went to a wedding several years ago where the priest was younger and way too flashy for the community he was in; he was at the Newman Center but a lot of families from town were members of the parish and the ladies were very flirty with him. He appeared to greatly appreciate the flirtation. Mind you I have no idea whether there was anything but the ladies keeping their flirt on but I thought it was pretty tacky; first, they were married, second, he's a priest!

      Because he was from a different part of the country, I wondered why he'd been sent half a country away. If someone had told me he was in the witness protection program I wouldn've have been surprised - he was just too flashy for that town.

    5. I'm no saint...far from it. ^^

  2. "Stay out of the parks." True dat - lol

  3. Actually the first story is sad. Anyone can be accused of anything, who knows but it seems as if this came after the guy sued for custody so there are some tip off right there. My unChristianlike opinion of this woman is that she just might be a bit off her nut. A story said that she had one kid in between her first husband and the priest and then she was preggers with the priests kid while still working at EWTN..(well, as you all would say as least they werent practicing birth control!! or discretion...) What really makes me think she is off her nut is how anyone can have sex with a person that you just went to confession to and told your innermost WORST part of yourself? Though from her history I can imagine what she was telling him that got his uh, attention!

    See Terry this IS gossip! Your blog is an occasion of sin!

    Anyway, I feel sorry for him, this is going to follow him around the rest of his life and obviously that poor kid is not going to be raised in the best circumstances.....oh you crazy heteros!!!

    The second story however is hilarious! It sounds like it comes out of some potboiler novel. If true I hope he spills and we see all of those hypocrites who are knocking against gay marriage who are hanging from the chandeliers with some hot Italian men at some foam parties (do they still have those???)

    I just hope my priest never tries to blackmail me...I would just have to give him a blank check.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I feel sorry for Dave too. Being accused of abuse is a tactic often used in custody battles - I think it's sad - the poor kid is the one in the middle.

      The Cardinal story really struck me because the author who writes for the Catholic site says he knows who's who but he isn't telling. That's so cheap.

      The benefit of both stories is that people will pray and hopefully learn from the mistakes these fellows made.

    3. Definitely off her rocker. Accusations like that are so commonplace; did she think the fact he had been a priest would lend credibility to her accusations? You'd think a priest would know better.

    4. I'm with Nan. Dave gets the benefit of the doubt once you weigh the public evidence.

  4. I was going to forward the story of Dave Stone to a friend of mine, and then I stopped for the very reason that I thought it was nothing more than gossip (doesn't matter if it is true), and there was nothing to gain by spreading this story.

    Ah, we do love it when we see others fall! Reading the news can often be an occasion of sin, and that is especially becoming true with Catholic websites.

    1. I posted that story/link here in another thread but not as gossip. I was thinking more along the lines of praying for those involved and sharing it as a way for others to pray as well.

    2. Yaya, your right, all kidding aside this is a story where everyone needs our prayers. A ripping apart of a family is never good especially under the circumstances. Lets hope this story is not true but the kid will still be effected by this for years to come even if its not.

      Okay, my nosy side wants to know how you come from "Forgive me father but I have sinned and I didnt tell the cashier about the bag of dog food on the lower cart, and I was laughed when I saw the lady next door fall on the ice ..." to "Hey you wanna go for a drink?" Some people have odd ideas of foreplay.

    3. CinB - I'm hoping Dave wins - I feel sorry for his loss. I always liked him.

      The Cardinal story in my opinion is the most gossipy.


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