Monday, January 20, 2014

Medjugorje in the news.

Good news too.
And so today, a reliable source close to the Vatican, biographer Andreas Tornielli, reveals that the international commission set up by Benedict XVI almost four years ago to study the Medjugorje phenomenon has concluded:


Tornielli went on to say in his report: “Some of the Commission’s members have highlighted the need for a change of pace in the provision of pastoral care to millions of faithful who come to Medjugorje from all over the world. The Commission and Cardinal Ruini himself, thanks to visits by people close to him, have noticed that people really are converting to the faith or returning to the sacraments – what the Church refers to as spiritual fruits –  in a significant way.” - Source
Works for me.

Of course official decisions, statements, and instructions will have to be made public, but it looks rather positive for devotees of Our Lady who believe the Blessed Virgin appears in Medjugorje.  Will the Church approve the apparitions or confirm the events as supernatural?  I may be wrong, but it seems unlikely before all the 'secrets' are revealed to those seers who haven't received them, and before some supernatural 'sign' is given.  Likewise, the best that could be said is the rare conclusion that the events are worthy of belief.

What seems certain is the - so far - unofficial position that there is no hoax, no deception, no scam.  The finding will surely clarify there is no prohibition against pilgrimages to the site: “The Commission is not opposed to Medjugorje as a place of faith where faithful pilgrims gather” Cardinal Puljic confirms."  

Personally, I haven't been attracted to Mejugorje, though I've always been open to what the Church decides on the phenomena.  For me, the best witnesses for the authenticity of the apparitions have always been the faithful who have traveled to Medjugorje and have received some signal grace there.  Those whom I've met have often impressed and edified me by their devotion, fervor, good works, as well as their fidelity to the Holy Father.  Another good sign from Medjugorje has been the vocations to the priesthood and religious life that have resulted from the experience.

What is needed of course is pastoral care for the pilgrims who go to the site and return home inspired by the messages and spiritual experience and who have dedicated themselves to evangelization.  Pastoral care and spiritual direction is essential to protect, guide and sustain these faithful as they grow in faith and fidelity to Catholic teaching.

That said, I await the decision of the Church.

+ + +

[I should add that it seems to me that Fatima still has to come to fulfillment - and that message, or call to conversion, prayer and penance needs to be heeded.  I accept Fatima without any problems.  Nevertheless I tend to be skeptical about other modern purported apparitions and private revelations.  I even have doubts about Akita - and that apparition was approved by the local ordinary.]  


  1. Personally, I'm thrilled to see this about Medjugorje. My aunt went there maybe 20 years ago or more, and brought my sisters and I back rosary beads and statues, so I've been familiar with it most of my life and have just believed in it, knowing that nothing official could come from the church until the apparitions were finished. Very happy to see that the church has reached this conclusion and chose to investigate it despite the ongoing apparitions!

    1. No official statements have been made as yet, the report still must be submitted to the CDF and then to the Holy Father.

      If the latest reports prove true, it appears that the final decision will be favorable for the site to be given shrine status.

  2. Diane at Te Deum has excellent and interesting analysis of the report from A.Tornielli.

  3. Just as an aside... I took the photo that heads your post! :)

    Statue of Our Lady of Grace that is located at Church of St Elijah, Tihaljina where Fr Jozo Zovko, the former parish priest of Medjugorje at the time when the alleged apparitions began, was posted to after his release from prison.

    Italian pilgrims started going there to visit him and brought the statue from Italy. It’s still there.

    1. How appropriate then - since I linked to your post.

      I love the image.

  4. Yes, thank you for that. :)

  5. Not so fast. This could just be another Medjhead getting out in front of the commission with more typical Medj misinformation: Wait till the commission actually speaks. We've had 30 years of misinformation from the frauds and their enablers.

    1. Not to worry. The truth will come out and Our Lady will certainly take care of those who entrust themselves to her. The Church will clarify everything.

  6. Gosh... little ole me stalked by MS. That’s a first. :)

    Thou shalt know him when he comes
    Not by any din of drums
    Nor by the vantage of his airs
    Nor by anything he wears
    Neither by his crown
    Nor his gown
    For his presence known shall be
    by the holy harmony
    that his coming makes in thee.


  8. The verdict was in years ago when the bishop said shut up.

    1. How pastoral! LOL!

    2. Tough love, baby.

    3. Was that the same bishop who first proclaimed from the altar at St James church: “The children are not lying!”?

  9. Jim Caviezel and Mother Angelica are Medjheads.

    I know one fine young lady in person, a layperson, who is a Medjhead. She recently started her own healing ministry. No pay. She spent her entire last year journeying with nine people with terminal cancer to their deaths.

    I find the propaganda seems to work both ways. Like the kind that Mark Shea propagates about "Medjheads" as cultic kooks. That's propaganda. Propagated by those who have knee-jerk reactions to the verbing of the word "journey" by good people as a sign that they're cultic charismatic fuzzyheads.

    Oh, and read up on what Pope Benedict XVI said about the Charismatic Renewal.

    1. I will read up on that. I think Francis is favorable to the Renewal as well. M. Angelica's foundation was very Charismatic in the beginning - in fact her pamphlet apostolate pretty much aimed at deepening the faith/theology of those in the renewal.

      I have many acquaintances - priests included who are Medjheads. They are better than I could hope to be.

  10. Hmph. Everyone I know that's been there is an overemotional drama queen. No thanks, I'll pass.
    Interesting post here:

    1. "overemotional drama queen"



  11. Hope it helps
    I went to Medjugore last October, with one of my children an I was a bit unsure about how I would manage without the support of my husband but we joined a group of families coming from London and they were very helpful, keeping me company and offering a lot of support .We stayed in a super hotel were they were very accommodating and gave me a room next to reception. There they offered tours explaining all the stories but I could hardly heard any, I picked bits. We participated in Rosary prayer with these families with children - it is something to hear three year old s recite the Rosary, they mumbled and did not know all the words, or climbing up the 'Mountains' , that was real. One day, we met one of the ladies who says she sees Our Lady regularly , she came into a chapel where we waited for her and told us to fast on wednesdays and fridays (only bread and water) and to pray, confess once a month, and receive Eucharist. After she left I chased her outside (instigated by a priest). she stroked me as a very kind , prudent,patient ,smiley person, although I am not a good psychologist, she did not seem unsincere. She had a kind of bodyguard guy with her who didn't seem to like me - he asked me what nationality I was, I think in order to get ride of me , and I had the feeling that they might be used to have crazy overemotional drama queens jumping on top of them and I might have looked like one of them, but when we really got in touch she exchanged a look with him as communicating visually and I heard her was saying: 'piano..piano' smiling a lot, which is what italian people say to sooth things (emotions etc). That is why I think she was kind. About any personal spiritual experience , not easy to say, except that in case it was real/not suggestion, it would make perfect sense both to my life and fit in the teachings of the Church, to do with The Blessed Sacrament. Hope helps


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