Monday, October 26, 2009

"Ward, I'm worried about the Beaver."

The feminization of boys.
I came across a story about a Danish study claiming gender-bending chemicals may be responsible for the feminization of boys.  It appears earlier discoveries of hermaphrodite frogs in the wild may have been taken more seriously by scientists than we realized.  It should come as no surprise however, when you consider how current research suggests contraceptive chemicals may also change a woman's natural attraction to men, causing her to choose unsuitable partners, and so on.    Then of course, it is believed by some that contraceptives pose a probable link to breast cancer.
From the
"What a cute little squirt!"
Here's something rather rotten from the State of Denmark. Its government yesterday unveiled official research showing that two-year-old children are at risk from a bewildering array of gender-bending chemicals in such everyday items as waterproof clothes, rubber boots, bed linen, food, nappies, sunscreen lotion and moisturising cream.
The 326-page report, published by the environment protection agency, is the latest piece in an increasingly alarming jigsaw. A picture is emerging of ubiquitous chemical contamination driving down sperm counts and feminising male children all over the developed world. And anti-pollution measures and regulations are falling far short of getting to grips with it.
The Danish government set out to find out how much contamination from gender-bending chemicals a two-year-old child was exposed to every day. It concluded that a child could be "at critical risk" from just a few exposures to high levels of the substances, such as from rubber clogs, and imperilled by the amount it absorbed from sources ranging from food to sunscreens.
And it is in the womb that babies are most vulnerable; a study of umbilical cords from British mothers found that every one contained hazardous chemicals. Scientists at the University of Rochester in New York discovered that boys born to women exposed to phthalates had smaller penises and other feminisation of the genitals. - Source
It's probably best not to use your cell phone to tell your husband about this either.
H/T Western Confucian



  1. Anonymous2:47 PM


    Don't forget the "Girly Bass" (bass fish with only female sex organs and the ones with male sex organs ummmm, don't function) on the east coast.
    It was because of so much estrogen being peed into the local water supply thanks to birth control pill poppers.
    Save the planet, indeed.


  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I like your labeling of this post, at the bottom.

  3. SF - That is because you 'get' my humor.

  4. Anonymous6:16 PM

    It's what anon said--all the women taking birh control pills--and peeing it into our water system.

  5. Terry - when I first saw the title, I originally thought it was going to be another Chirstopher West/TOB post. Fooled me!

  6. Larry - you always get it. ;)


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