Wednesday, March 04, 2009

When they came for the Trads, I remained silent...

New World Order Stuff
German authorities are raiding the homes of neo-Nazis, confiscating things like music and leather accessories (I made the accessory part up.). Sounds crazy? Read on:
More than 60 years after World War Two and the Nazi Holocaust, right-wing radicalism is still a problem in Germany:
German police have launched a nationwide search of more than 200 homes and businesses of people suspected of belonging to the country's extreme right, the Federal Crime Office (BKA) said Wednesday.
"The primary aim of the concerted action by crime fighting authorities is to seize and confiscate prohibited items like music in order to move effectively and extensively against the spread of right wing extremism," the BKA said in a statement. - Source
Yes, I realize what the issues are in Germany, I have relatives who have lived there for decades, I understand all things Nazi are pretty much illegal. Nevertheless, it occurred to me this type of control could easily happen to other groups - in Germany or elsewhere. What if the Government started raiding Life-care centers, or people's farms in Wisconsin? I have composed an updated version of the Niemoller poem to emphasize my point...

When they came for the Communists,

I remained silent,

I was not a Democrat.

When the they came for the Branch Davidians,

I remained silent;

I was not a Branch Davidian.

When they locked up the the Mormon children,

I remained silent;

I was not a polygamist.

When they came for the neo-Nazis,

I did not speak out;

I was not a into leather.

When they came for the SSPX,

I did not speak out;

I was not a bishop.

When they came for the women of The View,

I did not speak out;

I was not menopausal.

When they came for the contestants of American Idol,

I did not speak out;

I just laughed.

When they came for the Homeschoolers,

I remained silent;

I hate denim jumpers.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out;

That's just typical!
Photo: Miami Gay Men's Chorus.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM


    Democrat...menopausal...denim slay me.

  2. That just takes it . . . how the hell am I supposed to make it through the rest of my day without lapsing into an evil chuckle?

  3. Anonymous10:00 AM

    LOL! but on another level, scary-real, too.

  4. Terry, I adore your warped sense of humor!

  5. You off your meds again?? (jk)

  6. Anonymous11:58 AM

    ... yes off meds, or switched ... love the photo credit, Terry - shame, have you no shame ... lol on the first stanza too ...

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    ... yes off meds, or switched ... love the photo credit, Terry - shame, have you no shame ... lol on the first stanza too ...

  8. Anonymous12:52 PM

    looking at that photo ... we should keep this group in our prayers during Lent. They are young men who are so lost.

  9. At least you were fair and balanced.

  10. When I look at that photo, I don't particularly think of Nazis.

    I think of the homosexual "Brown Shirts" (the "S.A.", or "Storm Detachment") who were Hitler's first militant storm troopers whose job it was to terrify the opposition.

    Then I think of the homosexuals in California who are now intimidating and persecuting the financial supporters of the recent Proposition 8 Marriage Amendment.

    Ultimately, in "The Night of the Long Knives" Hitler had the Brown Shirt leadership murdered and the organization disbanded to gain favor with German industrialists and the military.

    Homosexuals have this stereotypical image (to heterosexuals) of being somewhat effeminate. But throughout history, they have been some of the most evil and vicious monsters that have ever been documented.

  11. Funny update, Terry. Thanks for the laugh!

  12. Ray's comment reminds me of a favorite quote:

    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

    Way to represent da Jay-Cee, Ray. Keepin it real, home dog?


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