Monday, October 04, 2021

The Day Facebook Vanished

Social Giant Wiped From Web

Big headlines on Drudge - and all the chatter on Twitter.  It's pretty amazing.

We are all online and dependent upon the Web.  What will happen when the powers in space are averted?  Wiped out?  When you can't even make a phone call, receive an email or access your bank account because of an internet glitch or the Domain Name Server collapsed?  Or a massive solar event?

Anyway - FB is back after approx. 6 hours down.  Just a test.


  1. I am a stargazer. It really is the best show in town. I believe whatever comes whenever it is will have an announcement of some kind in the night sky. Garabandal and possibly a few others say as much. To tell the truth it would not be such a bad thing to lose it all. I do not yet have the will power but I did leave Facebook in 2017 and never looked back.

    1. I refuse to support Suckerberg and his self-importance on FB so I left FB in January 2021. I don't miss it at all. I visit IG for family and that's about it.

      When the final horn blows, I hope I might hear the Lord of Hosts call my name so that I may join all of you to live in the eternal light of Christ. ^^

    2. Yaya and Wallace - this is my consolation: "Though the mountains leave their place and the hills be shaken, my love will never leave you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the Lord, who has mercy on you." Isaiah 54

  2. I forgot to wish you a happy Feast of St. Francis of Assisi yesterday, Terry! God bless you and protect you, and give you His peace and all good, my brother Franciscan! Warmest Franciscan blessings to you, Mr. H, Yaya, and all here - Susan, Third Order Franciscan

    1. Happy feast day to you too! God bless!

  3. "What will happen when the powers in space are averted? Wiped out? When you can't even make a phone call, receive an email...?"

    Sounds like paradise...

  4. It will be the end as we know it. Just a test for the next Great Reset.

    1. There will be more tests, I'm sure.

    2. That is for sure!

    3. Yep, that is for sure ....

  5. That little girl looks exactly like my cousin Norah. Seriously.


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