Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The most loving thing to do is is to share your bed with someone. - Michael Jackson

Cardinal McCarrick's in trouble.

I thought of the Michael Jackson quote only after I was told about the story - which broke today -  about Cardinal McCarrick and an alleged sexual abuse incident.  Embedded in the story are anecdotes revealing accusations that years ago the Cardinal used to have seminarians sleep with him - not for sex, but to cuddle.  As Mame would say, "now what could be more wholesome or natural than that?"  Just kidding.

Seriously, the rumors about the Cardinal's homosexuality are spreading online like wild fire.  I have heard the rumors for years and ended up disliking the gossips who repeated it to me.  Many who delight in repeating these stories are reformed gays who tried their vocation in numerous outfits which accept men with ssa and or former gays.  In such environs, gossip about gay priests, bishops, and cardinals is shared with delight and scorn - especially if they themselves have been somehow rebuffed or passed over.  I know that sounds bitchy - because it is bitchy.  Gay stuff is bitchy.  So the bitches are out slandering Cardinal McCarrick - and if the claims are all true - then it's outright detraction - to the extent those ordinary Catholics who do not follow 'court gossip' wouldn't have known about it.  Without real documentation - it seems to me these stories also verge on calumny.  I may be wrong, but there is something wrong with how eager 'devout' people are to spread scandal.

Anyway.  As everyone now knows, Cardinal Dolan announced that McCarrick is under suspension from ministry while a credible allegation that as a priest McCarrick abused a minor - a boy - is investigated.  That's SOP for credible allegations, priests have come through that untainted and resumed ministry.  It can spark other allegations - but they remain allegations and will be investigated.  Unfortunately it appears the Cardinal has had similar allegations against him by adults - 3 cases - two were apparently settled out of court.

I'm not defending McCarrick or gay priests and bishops, but I'm also not going after them the way some people online are in the process of doing.  Catholics who read Randy Engel's book, The Rite of Sodomy are intent upon exposing the dark history of homosexuals in the priesthood.  Good bye good men and all of that.  Truth be told, bishops like McCarrick is probably why no one paid attention to these rumors and books in the first place.  Because of bishops like him, one can assume it is probably why seminary rectors and vocation directors never turned away gay candidates.  Despite the fact the Holy See has always taught such men should not be admitted to seminary, something Pope Francis recently reiterated.  Yet even the faithful - clergy and laity - have pretty much made the exceptions to that rule their policy.  (Three years of chaste celibacy is no guarantee - as recent cases clearly demonstrate.) People have to know that, especially former gay men who think they have a vocation, and those bishops who sponsor them.  That is terribly unfair to the candidates, BTW.

The problem has always been a problem of homosexuality and NOT paedophilia.  Don't tell anyone I said that though.  Oh.  And the stuff Fr. Martin, S.J. is teaching is what gay-friendly priests and bishops have always taught, albeit privately.  How many times I was told to just accept myself and see Jesus in the eyes and limbs of my lovers.  Just look and see what has happened in the last 50 years.

Just saying.

Prayers for the Church and her ministers for purification and fidelity to the Gospel.

Song for this post here.


  1. "As Mame would say, 'now what could be more wholesome or natural than that'?" LMBO. What's wrong with a sidecar and a harmless game of leap frog? /sarcasm off/

  2. "Prayers for the Church and her ministers for purification and fidelity to the Gospel"

    Why? Why? Why?

    I just don't get it but I know I don't have to look far 'cause I claim to love the Lord and His Church too but I fall into sin over and over and over again.

    Me thinks you read the same article?

    1. I didn't read that but was told about it. I don't like Dreher. That said, the rumors have been out there and repeated over and over and reported to the Vatican over and over and still it remains. I have no control over that sort of corruption but I also don't want to celebrate the gotcha moment people like Dreher and traditionalist are reveling in right now.

    2. I don't even know who Dreher is but read the article and was sad about another scandal in the Church. I am not about the celebrate a gotcha moment because I fall too. I am of the opinion that there is a special place in hell for the "gotcha moment" crowd ... I don't want to even think about it.

      Rumors? Glad I never heard them or read of them until now. Sad ...

    3. Makes me sad too.

  3. Our Church is self destructing. The innocent are going down with the guilty. It is more then sad. It is difficult to hold on.

    1. "Difficult to hold on?"

      The Church shall prevail until the end because of our Lord's eternal promise that the jaws of death shall not prevail against her. Let the cleansing of the Lord's temple continue despite the tears and the sadness. No evil can go undiscovered for long. And if it is not disclosed in this life, we who believe know that in the next life, no one will escape divine judgment ... no one.

      This recent scandal is a failure on the part of many who (imo) if it is to be believed, chose position, reputation, power, protection rather than expose the guilty parties.

      After reading another article this morning about this dark affair, I thought of all those who committed spiritual suicide as a result.

      May the Risen Lord Jesus have mercy on us all.

    2. Yes but the Church which exists at the end of time most likely will look very different then today. I have heard friends say it is hard to be proud to be RC today; even religious we are overrun with lawsuits and negative news daily in my area. I am not quitting but it is as I said “hard to hold on.”

    3. As the cleansing/purification of the Church goes on of course it will look different from what it is today ... same with the rest of us as conversion is a lifelong process but then again you already know this truth.

    4. I get it. "Hard to hold on" is descriptive of how extreme some of these storms have become. And it seems Jesus is asleep - he's not of course - but times are difficult. One wants to get angry and lash out at times, other times we maybe want to give up trying, these are all temptations in the dark night of souls and the Church. We suffer together.

  4. Yes, yes, yes Terry and Yaya. I will hold on because grace and salvation are at the end. I love the Mass, the sacraments, the rosary, the Bible. The shortcomings of men, yes mostly men, do not negate any of the above for me. It is deeply personal that I cannot put adequately into words. When my children told me this or that religion was better then ours I remember saying they have one course we have the whole banquet. Do not even know where that came from. So I may not like some of the guests at the banquet but I will not let them drive me out of the dinner. Sorry to be so wordy. Yaya will tell me I am writing another dissertation 😘

    1. I am guilty of writing one too many dissertations of late ... Terry's blog has Yaya spam all over the place. (~•<)


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