Saturday, July 04, 2009

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

July 4 is the feast day of Bl. Pier Giorgio, shown above partying with his friends. [Pier Giorgio is the one wearing the paper hat.]
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  1. Forgot to tell you awhile back the kids were watching a kids show on EWTN on Pier Giorgio. They even showed the beautiful icon of him that you painted (believe you painted it!). We also just finished a book on him as a read aloud to the kids. We have included him in our list of saints we ask for intercession at night when we say prayers with the kids before they go to bed. With Sts. Philomena and Frassati looking after my kids, they are in good hands :)

  2. Bellissima figura quella di Pier Giorgio Frassati, grazie per averne parlato!

    Thank you for this post about Pier Giorgio Frassati!

  3. Apologies for commenting on this post so long after it was published. In case you are trying to find the comment, it is on the post of JULY 04, 2009 on Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati. I noticed one of the comments mentioned an icon of Pier Giorgio that you may have painted. I was wondering do you have a photo of this icon if you did at all paint/write one?

    God bless.


  4. CWA - The icon I painted is on a post from April 6, 2009, titled Happy Birthday Dodo - Dodo was a baby name he gave himself. These are the only photos I have - I may do a new icon in the future however.


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