Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Morning Prayer and recollection

How to begin a day.

I've trained myself - or better - God has given me a grace to remember him throughout the day and night.  Whenever I awaken, I say a prayer and throughout the day I pray and make spiritual communions, to help me remain in his presence.

Before doing anything, each day I begin with morning prayer - devotions.  I re-collect everything, as it were.  We are accustomed to think of recollection as gathering the senses and entering into interior prayer, we all know how to do that from our thanksgiving after Holy Communion.  Each day, I re-collect my intentions, my sins, my weaknesses and failures - like Job, I'm easily reminded of that by my 'friends' - those attachments that show me my wicked inclinations.  I also re-collect my 'people' friends and family, and especially my enemies, to commend them to God - and of course, today I prayed so much for those suffering from the cold - people and critters.  Then I use words - the psalms, devotional prayers, and the readings from Mass.

Each morning I pray the Holy Spirit to pray in me, and I have found so much consolation, in the following prayer.  So much peace.  I especially love this plea, which sums up every intention:  "Aspiration of love, proceeding from the Father and the Son, alert me to be ever aware of Thy indwelling; stimulate the eyesight of my soul to discern the unfailing light of divine grace. Adorable Holy Spirit, have compassion on the dullness of my mind and the weakness of my will. Illuminate and strengthen me to trample on temptation."

The full prayer...
O Divine Redeemer, Who said: "I will ask the Father, and He will grant you another Advocate to be with you for all time, the Spirit of Truth" (1 John 14:16) I consecrate myself to the eternal Spirit of God.
Aspiration of love, proceeding from the Father and the Son, alert me to be ever aware of Thy indwelling; stimulate the eyesight of my soul to discern the unfailing light of divine grace. Adorable Holy Spirit, have compassion on the dullness of my mind and the weakness of my will. Illuminate and strengthen me to trample on temptation. 
Grant me the Spirit of Wisdom, the prevision to look to my last end by cooperating now with Thy holy inspirations - all for the greater honor and glory of God; the Spirit of Understanding to deepen my grasp of eternal truths; the Spirit of Counsel to prudently choose the best way of pleasing God; the Spirit of Fortitude to stand up fearlessly in opposition to evil; the Spirit of Knowledge - self-Inspection regarding my fidelity to God's laws and the duties of my state in life; the Spirit of Piety to enable me to prefer my Divine Lover and His Will to earthly creatures; the Spirit of Fear of the Lord to realize the folly and ingratitude of defying my Lord and my God. 
Kneeling before Thee, O Divine Consoler, let me press to my heart the pierced feet of Jesus, look into His open side and trust in His Precious Blood channeled to my soul through the Sacraments. 
O Holy Spirit enfold all mankind with Thy Sevenfold Gifts. Keep me faithful unto death that I may win the crown of life. Amen.
Illuminate and strengthen me to trample on temptation. 

Even if we are so broken, so afflicted, so confused - like Job - we have our confidence and love burning deep within our soul.  We are never outside alone and cold when we have the Living Flame of Love within our souls.  Recollection is prayer, recollection is living in the presence of God.

This may sound especially pious, even presumptuous, but it seems to me it is a necessary reminder, a great help to remain faithful, especially now, when everything seems so uncertain and confused.

Pray for your friends and especially those who oppose you.

Remember ...

"If I were to meet the slave-traders who kidnapped me and even those who tortured me, I would kneel and kiss their hands, for if that did not happen, I would not be a Christian and Religious today... The Lord has loved me so much: we must love everyone... we must be compassionate." - St. Josephine Bakhita


  1. Very fine posting, Terry. When I was in formation with the Secular Franciscans, it was difficult for me to take time to pray the Liturgy of the Hours. I always seemed to have other things I needed to do, and I just couldn't settle myself down. I kept lamenting to myself, "I will never be as good at this as St. Francis!" I kept at it, though, and in time, it became easier. Now, I cannot imagine my day without it.

    My favorite prayer is the Night Prayer, which is very calming and comforting. The best part is, "Protect us Lord, as we stay awake. Watch over us as we sleep. That awake we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace."

    God bless and protect all here - Susan, OFS

  2. A beautiful prayer - God Bless you for sharing it! I will surely pray this prayer. May I ask where you found it?
    Todd Voss

    1. It is an antiphon prayer of the Night Prayers of the Liturgy of the Hours. Throughout the year, the LOTH changes the readings and psalms as pertaining to the feast day or season. But this particular prayer is *always* part of the Night Prayers. It is like a lullaby. I am so glad you like it! - Susan, OFS


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