Tuesday, April 08, 2014

This is an interesting meme.

I just mentioned to a friend that I am battling discouragement.  I told him after what happened to Sr. Jane Dominic in Charlotte, I'm even less convinced the Spiritual Friendship crowd is helping the Church.  It seems to me Catholics are willing to accept ss marriage and all things 'gay' in the exact same way they have embraced contraception.


  1. Ah, Terry, who can avoid battling discouragement in today's world. I'm offering my health challenges for you today. I think the only things that keep me from sinking are my grandchildren and my bees. Your art must be a great consolation. Immerse yourself in beauty. Painting to Mozart or my favorite, Bach? May your day be blessed.

    1. Thanks Mary Ann - I am immersed in a painting of a little 14 year seminarian, B. Rolando Rivi - killed by Communist partisans in Italy, ostensibly for wearing his cassock - but more so to eliminate another priest.

      God bless!

  2. What bothers me about Spiritual Friendship is that it partially accepts as a good the defect, i.e. same sex attraction, caused by fallen nature.

    1. I suppose it is good in the same sense that the Fall was good, because "it occasioned so great a Savior."
      It is easy to be discouraged. We must admit that most self-identified Catholics are that in name only, and not fully accepting of all Church teaching. Perhaps it was ever so.

  3. Just seek the Truth.

    1. And take heart: http://catholicexchange.com/the-gates-of-hell-shall-not-prevail

    2. Another consideration - disinterestedness: http://catholicexchange.com/disinterestedness#at_pco=smlwn-1.0&at_tot=1&at_ab=per-1&at_pos=0

    3. That article on disinteredness is excellent- thank you.

  4. Terry, perhaps its not so cut and dry - there are some things that the school did to contribute to this debacle and for that they have to take the responsibility (Love AND Responsibility are intimately bound otherwise they are not divinely inspired 'gift' but a strain of the contagion of tyranny of ideology, aka "moralism" or the heresy of "puritanism."
    Grace goes before... a more thorough discernment by the cleric and the academic would perhaps have revealed to the pedagogues that mass-indoctrination (no separation by developmental age or biological sex and no mutual reciprocity with the primary educators, the parents) is not a good way of addressing these most delicate of themes. Just because they think they have the Truth on their side doesn't make them good pedogogues. Their 'contraceptive thinking' sterilized any receptive docility in their audience...

    I attempted to dialog with The Crescat on one of her threads on this encounter, however she declined to publish my thoughts. If you are interested in a counter-intuitive of perspective - how incoherent, discordant and unnatural overly-zealous presenters of the theology of the body can be - I have archived a compilation with further reflection on my Google page https://plus.google.com/105551647776531932354/posts/NgG4ZD3yozS


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