Monday, September 14, 2009

This is how bad I am.

Entrance antiphon.
I turned on EWTN yesterday afternoon and there was a televised Mass for the dedication of a statue of Mother Teresa of Calcutta at the National Shrine in Washington, D.C..
I couldn't stand the singing, the processional, the choir robes, the Missionary of Charity entering the sanctuary for the reading, or the bishop smiling his way down the aisle, or his vestments, or anything else about it. But it was the singing that really annoyed me the most.
I turned it off.


  1. What were they singing?

  2. Terry--I often turn off anything televised from the National Shrine--don't feel bad.

  3. Ah yes. The important bits.


    Glad you're back.

  4. Angela - "I'm every woman" I think. I don't know what song they were singing. LOL!

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Trust me, you're not that bad -- I feel about the same way any time I attend Mass at my parish.. Last week, the organist butchered, er, played the slow movement from Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 21 ("Elvira Madigan") for Communion! And a couple weeks before that it was "Climb Every Mountain" from The Sound of Music, again played very badly. Sometimes I actually stay home because I can't face her or the male soloist who sings the Gospel Acclamation Alleluia very slowly and very badly. For obvious reasons, I can't sign my name, since one never knows who's "lurking" online. Just to let you know that you're not alone in your sufferings.

  6. Anonymous - thanks for that.


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