Sunday, January 25, 2009

Strega Pelosi

Well, in my Italian neighborhood, growing up, that is what we might have called her.


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." - Source


In my neighborhood, the strega - witch - performed all the abortions.
So like watch out for those people who title themselves "ardent Catholics".


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I call her "Satan's friend." God wants to give life, Satan and his friend want to take it away!

  2. She is loathsome, isn't she? She is a cesspool of politics and deption in equal amounts.

  3. Should read "deception" and not "deption."

  4. You know... JUST TODAY, our priest stood up in Mass and talked about what is going on in DC and about the Pro-abortion President and Congress. He was mad, he was yelling, he was shaking his fist!!! I couldn't help but think... where was this back before the election when he was silent and half of this congregation voted for Barry because they forgot that they were Catholic and that abortion is a sin?

    I also can't help but think of Nancy P's soul. Doesn't she know? Shouldn't someone tell her? She is going to miss out...

    God help her.

    Anyway, hope you're not gone too long. How many days do I have to click on your link and say "Where in the world is Terry?!"

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Hahaha...sounds like the old neighborhood...thanks for the chuckle. Your Italian e-friend.

    P.S. Let's use our energy of disgust for Obama, Biden, Pelosi, et al to pray and sacrfice for the conversion of their hearts to the Gospel of Life.

  6. I posted in anger. I took down the really bad words, and I'm repenting today - David is right - we need to pray and sacrifice.

    BTW - The computer is working today, so I may procrastinate a bit before bringing it in.

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Terry, you could get a back up used PC on ebay. You wouldn't have this problem if you had an Amazon wish list! :>

    But on Pelosi: Humane Vitae warned of this---governments determining birth rates. China has lived this. The violence to women there must be beyond imagination. It's coming here and we better be wearing our rosaries out to stop this evil!


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