Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Trump's Spokesmodel ...


Song for this post here.  (Hey!  That's what Michelle said.)


  1. Look at me! I'm a trophy!

    1. I think it's part of her contract.

  2. Beautiful dress ... she wears it well.

    1. I read somewhere someone suggesting she will be like Jackie Kennedy - that's crazy. We've idealized the Kennedy era and Camelot - but the Trump's are as fake as the facades of Las Vegas hotels and Hollywood sets.

    2. Every woman is different and has their own unique style. The Kennedys were no saints as has been revealed over time. I remain unimpressed with the lot ... all born with a silver spoon in their mouths.

    3. I assume they meant classy dresser, not that she hits the bottle, tolerates affairs or will marry a Greek shipping mogul next time, then become a book editor. What?

    4. Exactly ... she dresses well. Could care less about the rest.

  3. I find myself beginning to like her. I did a little research on her and she has a degree and speaks several languages - not the airhead I thought she was. At the same time - whatever po$$essed her to marry Trump? I could not wake up to him every day. But...my mom always used to say every jar has a lid.

    1. I actually like her as well - she's lovely - the scenario is what is so strange to me. Last night was like a 'very special'episode of 'Modern Family' and she played Sofia Vergara's role. I was so well marketed and polished - like introducing a new line of fashion or sports car. Trump's life is an ostentatious display of wealth and luxury and his Napoleonic obsession with power and fame and achieving a place in history not otherwise awarded to businessmen, no matter how rich and famous or flamboyant.

    2. Glad I am not the only one who wonders ... maybe they have separate bed chambers and have an appointment book as to when? ;p

  4. I do not blame Malania for her performance and the plagarism she obviously blindly committed. I do however wonder about her claim on Today that she wrote the speak "with help." Do we want a Viuge model for First Lady? When in NYC or Palm Beach you see her "style" multiplied. Rich woman who overdress to impress. It is the men they are out to get, the rich men who will supply endless shopping sprees. You see them in the afternoon with shopping bags from all the best stores. They are the bag ladies of fifth Avenue. She played that game in the 90's and she bagged Donald who was still a married man. There are reports that she does not have the earned college degree she claims to. So, a lie about the speech, about her education, courting a married man and obvious fixation with fashion and glitz. I cannot like her, but I do feel sorry for her. No a Jackie she is not. Jackie, even if you do not like her, practiced her Catholic faith publicly to her death. Was she poorly served by the Kennedy's? Yes she was. Did she really work as a book editor? Yes she did and with accomplishment too. Go on QVC and see the cheap glitz Malania pushes made in China and India. Have you ever seen a photo of the Trump family doing normal family activities? I have not. Only posed pictures in the Trump Tower that tries to copy Versailles. I feel sorry for her being a shallow one dimensional person. They will never "live" in the White House. Even should her husband win. He has made no bones about needing to live in his Tower and at Mar-a-Logo. The White House will be for staged events. The GOP once said they were the party of "family values." Well, this is like no family I have ever known. Donald Jr slipped up last night with Hannity when he said, "my father always taught us to take care of ourselves first." He realized his slip and soon added that is the same as taking care of our nation too. Really? I pray that we will have enough of the Trumps before Nov and send them back to reality TV. I am no Clinton fan either. So, there is no choice here. God help us and our children.

    1. Hi Wallace, Jackie carried on an affair with Maurice Tempelsman for years. He was not divorced and even if he was I doubt he would have applied for a decree of nullity as he is Jewish.

    2. And Jesus said,"let him who is without sin cast the first stone." Angela you are grasping for straws. That is you choice. I do not know about Jackie's personal affairs. I do know that Trump's are very public. He has bragged about them. His sexual escapades were in his words, "my Vietnam."

    3. Wallace - you stated that Jackie Onassis "practiced her Catholic faith publicly to her death". Being involved with a married man (even if he is separated) is not practicing the Catholic faith.

    4. Wow Wallace Hamilton,vwhat a lot of negative judgement on your part! If you compare the first ladies speeches, they're all very similar so no big whoop. It's normal for models to be in interested in fashion, your lack of interest is immaterial,y you're not ot her target market. I'm not sure why you assume she's shallow or that she lies about a degree when she quit school and moved Milan to model. She speaks several languages and before you say that's a lie, Slovenian is the language of her country and she'd have learned English and Serbo-Croatian in school. It's common for people to know and Italian as Slovenia borders Austria and Italy. Not everyone wants to reveal their life to the public, especially when their children are minors. It seems that they prefer their private life to be private. I don't care that he wants to stay at home as long as he gets the work done if he wins.

    5. Nan, I believe she claimed a degree. I really do not give a hoot about her. There is fashion and then there is extreme fashion. The Trumps can live however they like, but it has been at the expense of people that trusted Donald. They lost money. I conceived that I have been judgemental perhaps harshly so. I will repent that. My major point is that, I believe they flaunt it. Donald says he is "very religious" because he got the evangelical vote. He has nothing to ask forgiveness of God for----ever. They have made their private life very public. They brag about it! I actually feel sorry for her. She is caught in their fantasy world, but then again she chose it. Yes, first spouse speeches are similar in content, but exact wording? We are being played and she is by choice a part of the con. Likewise Bill and Hillary.

    6. I agree WH - they definitely publicize their life - the houses have been in design magazines, the Donald has been a media personality - eating up publicity - promoting himself. And yeah - a history of lawsuits by people he cheated. And with the ex-wives club - nothing is private.

      We are definitely being played by the Trump machine as well as the Clinton machine.

  5. Angela, I do not know how you have intimate knowledge like that but so be it. Yes she did and publicly. She attended and was buried from St Thomas Aquinas Church on Madison Ave in NYC. I have no knowledge of her relationship with her confessor. I really have no desire to judge her but I guess for some reason you do. So be it. She has met our God and he will judge. I will not.You mentioned identifying with the victim in the parable of the Good Samaritan. I thought that insightful and something to meditate on. Jackie's personal faith and practice is something I have never really cared about one way or the other. But yes she was Catholic and yes she is known to have cared enough to practice it publicly. Than is enough for me.

    1. Wallace, you need to re-read this whole conversation. Then you should look in the mirror and ponder some of the things that you have accused Angela of.

      Jackie Kennedy's 15 year relationship with Maurice Tempelsman was very well known. No intimate knowledge necessary. It was public. No grasping at straws. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=jackie+kennedy+and+maurice+tempelsman

      You have a strange idea of judgement.

      Terry, I'm sorry about this. My Irish dander got stirred up. Feel free to delete.

    2. My understanding is that Mrs. Onassis remained a faithful Catholic unto death, she was assisted at death by a priest and was given a Catholic burial. Her friendship with Mr. Tempelsman was private - I've never read anything about it being an affair or anything like that. I was always under the impression it was about companionship. Many older adults form close, non sexual friendships which are platonic and they sometimes live together as 'brother and sister' - or not. They may live separate lives though they are inseparable. I have a friend whose dad formed a close, daily Mass friendship with a family friend, they spent all of their time with one another - as if they were married - but their relationship was chaste.

      That said, I choose to believe Mrs. Onassis died a happy death.

      I understand how people can believe otherwise, but she impressed me as always being concerned about the faith and her salvation. I've always admired her.

    3. Maggie - no problem - I appreciate your input and your are free to disagree. I'm not upset when my friends disagree. I'm also not trying to convince anyone - I just admire Jackie. God bless! Big hugs!

    4. Well, if you believe People magazine, the July 11, 1994 edition reported that Mrs. Onassis and Mr. Tempelsman lived together and were in love. I do hope Mrs. Onassis died a happy death.

    5. I hope she died a happy death too. I know she wasn't perfect. I think I read that she and Ari had separate bedrooms once. So - you know me - I just assumed she and Maurice did too. I also believe John Jr. and Carolyn Bessette were madly in love, practicing Catholics, contrary to news reports claiming otherwise.

      See how nuts I am? :)

  6. Maggie I am very used to Irish tempers. I still have second cousins in Ireland. For the life of me though I do not know what you mean by " strange idea of judgement." That God is the only valid judge? That we cannot know a persons private intentions? I know several widows and widowers who have established relationships with a member of the opposite sex. Some belong to my parish. It is not for sex but rather a close friendship. They are living their faith and practicing Catholics. As the Pope once said, "who am I to judge?" There is an old Irish saying, "Do not speak ill of the dead." The rest of that saying is often left out, "they are praying right now for you to join them--wherever that might be! Anyway Maggie, I am sorry if I offended you. I think Angela is ok with a discussion. If not my apologies Angela. I never would have thought Jackie would stir such emotion. She was really a subplot in this whole stream. Peace.

    1. I enjoyed this.

      I am amazed at the embrace of Trump and his stray cat family ties. It's like believing The Princess Diaries or Legally Blonde are documentary accounts of real life. Just look at Trump's apartment - a gilded Versailles wanna be palace - and his Florida property was so ostentatious - he's more Saudi oil-prince than an American presidential candidate. If people think Obama is a complete narcissist - what the heck do they think the Donald is?

      Tell someone you are pro-life and they will follow you anywhere... in this case, right into WWIII. What I see at the convention is saber rattling.

      Just my opinion BTW. :)

    2. You all are saints! What patience! Read all the colorful commentary with interest but without any motivation to reply ... you all being top smart.

      Have a great rest of the week. ♡☆♡☆


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