Thursday, March 05, 2015

Cardinal Dolan dispels the myths surrounding ISIS: “These are not pure, these are not real Muslims." *

Cardinal Dolan** said he believed ISIS was conducting a 
“systematic, well-choreographed, very well-focused attempt 
to eradicate the ancient Christian population in the Mideast.” 
The Islamic State extremists
 “do not represent genuine Islamic thought,” 
but are “a particularly perverted form of Islam.”
Full story here.

That's good to know.

I just didn't realize it before.

I wonder if the same thing goes for non-Catholics?  Could it be that some Christians are not pure, real Christians?  I bet Seventh Day Adventists aren't.  OMG!  And those Westboro Baptists!  (Just kidding.)

I totally get what the Cardinal is saying however.  It's like saying Nazis weren't really Germans - despite the fact they claimed racial purity and superiority and were really good looking.

I'm not sure Catholics are obliged to believe this stuff.

I may be wrong.

Maybe when the Muslim world unites under one, world-wide Caliphate of peace ...

No Germans were involved in this rally.

*Bonus:  Other dimensions of unreality...

-Some Catholics claim the Pope is not the real Pope - are they Catholic?

-Some Catholics are saying the newly proclaimed Doctor of the Church, St. Gregory of Narek is not really Catholic - are they right or wrong?

-Some Catholics insist politicians such as Pelosi, Kerry, Cuomo and other pro-abortion legislators are CINO, in other words, they are not pure, real Catholics - is that possible?

So many questions have been raised by a particularly perverted form of ________ (fill in the blank).

**Ed. note:  Cardinal Dolan is from the "Show-Me-State" of Missouri.  What?

What difference does it make?

Song for this post here.


  1. I'm not sure what the right way is here. All I can come up with are wrong answers.

    "ISIS is the true face of Islam. 'Peaceful' Muslims are bad Muslims." Wrong.
    "ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. They are just using religious cover." Wrong.

    Loving your enemy in truth and charity is tough stuff!

  2. I don't get it either. They believe they're representing Islam and they apparently practice the religion (really good or really badly I don't know) so yeah I'd call them Muslims. Muslim terrorists.

  3. I always hearken back to the Trappist Martyrs of Atlas and what Fr. Christian wrote - you can see that here:

    That said, I understand - I think - what the Cardinal is trying to say and what the Holy Father says on the issue. Nevertheless, it is what it is - they are Muslim and they are extremists and they are terrorists. The hair splitting seems to me to be an effort to avoid unjust discrimination against innocent Muslims in the West - yet it strikes me as naive to claim ISIS is not Islamic. Fr. Luc, one of the Trappist martyrs quoted Pascal, writing: “Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it for religious conviction.” That's what is going on and it needs to be recognized and called out for what it is.

    The martyrs of Atlas knew this, admitted this, yet they loved their persecutors - to the point of martyrdom.

  4. Poor Cardinal Dolan....
    Seems he's fallen out of favor these days. The folks over on Crux really ripped into him and what he had to say. Some claimed he was fat on the Cow and washing it down with fine spirits.

    "Maybe when the Muslim world unites under one, world-wide Caliphate of peace"

    It seems they even disagree amongst themselves as to who is a "true Muslim." As long as they remain silent, they are all culpable as are we in the West who are too comfortable to care.

    I saw a picture the other day of an Iraqi soldier praying before going into battle; I started to wonder if God hears his prayer. What I mean to say is, as the soldier was praying, was he praying in earnest? Was his heart set on the Lord of Life? Was he praying for the freedom of all?

    I am well aware I cannot know and none of my business but I wondered anyway and hoped his heart was set on God and on his fellow man and respect and freedom for all and not just muslims.

    1. It's sad isn't it. But Christ forewarned us in the Gospel, "Yes, a time is coming when the one who kills you will think he's serving God ..." - John 16:2

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I checked Gregory of Narek.

    Gregory of Narek is venerated as a saint by the Armenian Catholic Church and recognized as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church, his name listed officially among the saints for 27 February in the Martyrologium Romanum.

    Here is what I find for the date:

    27 Februarii Tertio Kalendas Martii. Luna ... xxviij. A

    Insulae, in Aprutio, sancti Gabrielis a Virgine Perdolente, Clerici Congregationis a Cruce et Passione Domini nuncupatae, et Confessoris; qui, magnis intra breve vitae spatium meritis et post mortem miraculis clarus, a Benedicto Papa Decimo quinto in Sanctorum canonem relatus est.

    Romae natalis sanctorum Martyrum Alexandri, Abundii, Antigoni et Fortunati.

    Alexandriae passio sancti Juliani Martyris, qui, cum ita podagra constrictus esset, ut neque incedere neque stare posset, una cum duobus famulis, qui eum in sella gestabant, Judici offertur; quorum alter fidem negavit, alter, nomine Eunus, cum domino suo perduravit in confessione Christi. Ipse porro Julianus et Eunus, camelis impositi, per totam urbem circumduci jubentur, et flagris laniari, ac tandem, incenso rogo, hinc inde spectante populo, comburi.

    Ibfdem sancti Besae militis, qui, cum insultantes in praedictos Martyres cohiberet, delatus est ad Judicem, et, pro fide constanter agens, capite truncatus.

    Hispali, in Hispania, natalis sancti Leandri, ejusdem civitatis Episcopi, qui, sanctorum Isidori Episcopi ac Florentinae Virginis frater, sua praedicatione et industria gentem Visigothorum, adjuvante Reccaredo, eorum Rege, ab Ariana impietate ad catholicam fidem convertit.

    Constantinopoli sanctorum Confessorum Basilii et Procopii, qui, tempore Leonis Imperatoris, pro cultu sanctarum Imaginum strenue decertarunt.

    Lugduni, in Gallia, sancti Baldomeri Subdiaconi, viri Deo devoti, cujus sepulcrum crebris miraculis illustratur.

    Et alibi aliorum plurimorum sanctorum Martyrum et Confessorum, atque sanctarum Virginum. R. Deo gratias.

    Now, could that Martyrologium Romanum where he is listed be the new one, or was there a change after Benedict XIV previous to Vatican II?

    1. The Holy Father Pope Francis just approved his cult and his name be inserted in the Martyrology along with title Doctor of the Universal Church. Traditionalist Roman Catholics have disputed the validity of such an action by the Supreme Pontiff. Incredible as it may sound, many traditionalist Catholics in the U.S. and elsewhere question every thing Pope Francis says or does. It's quite remarkable.

      I merely cited the anecdote for the sake of irony. Cardinal Dolan seems forthright enough to judge authentic Islamic teaching, while the Catholic world doesn't seem to know who or what to believe regarding Catholic doctrine.

      You'll have to excuse me Hans, sometimes I can border upon the sarcastic when I post comments online.

    2. Terry,

      In my opinion, your blog, along with a few others are balanced, faithful and always strive to be positive. You do not tear down the faith or the faith of others. You always build us up and I remain thankful.

      Let's keep praying!

    3. Thanks Yaya! We will keep praying.

  6. I should have checked for accuracy - the inclusion of Gregory of Narek in the RM happened in 2005. A very good article on the subject by Jared Staudt may be found here:


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