Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pope Francesco: Holed up in a hotel.

The Papal apartments too big for one person?

From Whispers...
Not that it's terribly a surprise, but now it's official – Pope Francis has chosen not to live in the Papal Apartment of the Apostolic Palace, opting instead to remain in the simpler, more communitarian atmosphere of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the Vatican "hotel."
Less than two weeks since the pontiff's election, the latest move in Papa Bergoglio's Vatican "revolution" was announced by the Holy See's lead spokesman, Jesuit Fr Federico Lombardi, confirming a report in today's La Nación, the Argentine daily of record. Francis himself spoke of the decision at today's morning Mass in the Domus chapel – which, continuing his now-daily custom, was celebrated with guests: in today's case, the permanent community in residence at the Domus.

Having reportedly remarked that the official living quarters "can fit 300 people" on his first tour of it (above), the Pope will continue to use the suite on the Palace's top floor as an office where he'll receive official visitors and handle other daytime work. - Whispers in the Loggia

And I thought Cardinal Dolan would have degraded the papacy if he had been elected.  LOL!

I don't really care where the Holy Father chooses to live - he obviously takes St. Paul's admonition to "associate with the lowly" seriously, so God bless him. 

He really is very much a parish priest... with a decided Vatican II je ne sais quoi.  Non?

Religious men and women who profess poverty must be scrambling to explain themselves...

News link here.

H/T James


  1. Maybe this has something to do with Father Amorth's warning about John Paul I and the Masons? Maybe the Vatican just isn't a very safe place for a Pope?

    The only thing I know for sure is that we don't know anything, and personally, I kind of like it that way. As far as I'm concerned, His Holiness can live anywhere he wants to live. It isn't where he lives that matters but how he lives.

  2. Fortunately, the religious men who run my parish definitely live their vow of poverty. They do have a cook who comes five days a week, but the rectory is old and tattered, they do their own cleaning and laundry, only one has his own cell phone (and I'm not convinced that he knows how to use it). One of them seems to own two habits and two pairs of shoes, a lot of books, and nothing else. They're good priests.

  3. He obviously does not believe in the monarchial papcy. Time to jettison that model, and it is a model, not a sine qua non of the papacy.

  4. Ganswein's got to be ready to have an anxiety attack at this point. Prob'ly wishing he'd gotten married and become a teacher or a banker or a Disney imagineer or something.

  5. terry, i concur that if this is the way our Holy Father wants to live - so be it. my concern is for his security, and for those who are tasked to provide for same.

  6. I'd like to see him go back to black for everyday wear.


    I'm serious.


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