Sunday, April 27, 2008

Things change.

You shall not take hallucinogenics.

I read a story today that the Netherlands may be trying to change their "anything goes" image. Not long ago they tightened the regulations for brothels and prostitution, as well as drug use. Of course they are still far more liberal than any other country in the world, but now they are going after "magic mushrooms" too... and some people fear cannabis will be next. (I knew I waited too long to visit Amsterdam.) Story here.
This supports my "people change" theory. It is a highly scientific thesis developed at the graduate School of Hard Knocks, associated with Whatsamatu U in northern Minnesota. "People Change - Things Change" is the title of my dissertation, which will be coming out in book form one of these days.
People change - I did.
For instance, look at me - which happens to be the title of the first chapter - I've changed. In the beginning, I thought President Bush was a hero going to war with Iraq, after awhile I thought he was an idiot, then I thought he was a monster, and now I love him and think he did the best he could do and we are stuck there. (And I get so scared when I think of the people hoping to replace him.)
Another example of how I've changed is I once was intrigued with apparitions and private revelations, especially Garabandahl and Medjugorje - now I have pretty much lost all interest in those things.
I also once smoked - and now I don't - that is a big change. Truly, there are very many things I once cared about that I no longer do. There are many little anecdotes in the book that I will not recount here, but let this be a warning - people and things do change - even though they stay the same. You see, I'm the same person - but my ideas and attitudes can change. Just like the laws in the Netherlands or in this country can change.
The children are our future... take them away.
For instance, someday in the United States, abortion will no longer be legal. Or someday in the Netherlands, sex with consenting minors will be against the law and gay marriage will no longer be recognized either. As repressive as it may sound, one day they may even ban public sex in parks. In fact I'm convinced of it - many rights people enjoy today will be taken back, taken away one day.
It could happen. Someday the State could enter a small community and take all of the children away and put them in foster homes or a sort of orphanage in what is really a concentration camp. While the parents would be arrested and sent to prison because they were out of fashion and did not provide video games and laptops, and other modern conveniences for their children.


  1. Good post! I'll leave it at that!

  2. I, too, once had a deep appreciation for George Bush. And I can't help noticing the irony (which in this post you might characterize as change) between his over-the-top popularity at the beginning of his presidency, and the derogatory opinion of him by the majority of Americans. I'll let historians and posterity deal with George Bush. Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz, the hawks who wanted to go to war long before the September 11th attacks, are guilty much more than Bush of our present conditions (have you noticed, aside from health reasons, that Cheney is not running for president?). I'm also very skeptical of the current presidential candidates and their motives for seeking the White House.

    This seems to be a no-win situation no matter which way you look at it. God help us all..

  3. George won me back after the Pope's visit.

  4. Yes, I feel his reception of Pope Benedict was quite hospitable. That doesn't redeem the rest of George Bush (in a secular sense).

    Again, I want to make it perfectly clear that I don't see a candidate with viable credentials that can bring to an adequate conclusion the war in Iraq. And I fear that in this elections Americans will vote for was is NOT George Bush as opposed to what is best for our country. Indeed scary.

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    It's a tough judgment call. We'll find out soon whether or not this is a cult; some of the women and children will start to speak up soon, and we'll find out if the escaped former members are right about being coerced to stay, forced marriages, etc.

  6. Anonymous5:59 PM

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  7. I do not print anonymous comments.

  8. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Has anybody mentioned "Waco all over again", yet?

    Sigh. God help us.

    (whose daughter's name is still stuck in her blogger ID...long story)


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