Monday, April 04, 2022

Who knows the pity and sorrow of the Mother of God, our sorrowful intercessor!

Putin's Patriarch Cyril celebrated this past Sunday in the Russian Military Cathedral,
infamous for its "steam-punk" design, and pro-war Soviet symbolism.

"Mothers wail:

- We do not cry for ourselves, but only that our sons be spared.
Fathers mourn:
- recalling past hopes, no longer believing their sons will return.
Wives tear their hair:
- in anguish for their husbands.
In Alexandria and in Syria the same words of prayer rise to heaven,
- prayers for mercy and prayers for victory.
But heaven remained unmoved." - Aleksey Remizov


  1. I have read that Patriarch Cyril and the Russian Orthodox Church work hand in glove with Putin as they did with the Czar’s. It is a nationalist church. The irony is Russia received the Christian Faith via Kyiv who received it from Constantinople.

    1. I know. I've read that Cyril was KGB as well as his predecessor and Putin.


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