Sunday, April 03, 2022

We cannot be indifferent.

 The bodies of village mayor Olga Sukhenko, her husband and son and that of a man believed to be a Ukrainian serviceman, who was not yet identified, lie in pit in the village of Motyzhyn, Ukraine, Sunday, April 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

A lifeless body of a man with his hands tied behind his back lies on the ground in Bucha, Ukraine, Sunday, April 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)


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  2. Horrors that have no explanation. Barbarity that is beyond comprehension. I have read the Russian soldiers are conscripts, teenagers often who have no idea why they are there and never expected resistance. Putin has done this before. Georgia, Syria, Chetneya, Crimea (although that was easy; no resistance). I fear he will get away again to do more of the same. The Ukrainians are in the front lines holding him back. This is evil not seen by us since Hitler, but experienced by many in many places we never see or hear about. I am confident that last weeks Consecration will make a difference. I just do not know when or how. Beware of those who glorify violence the day can come when they come for you.

    1. We are in the same place on this. The Pope, Zelenskyy, the Mother of God inspire me to want to suffer with those who are now suffering every form of terror, and never to stop. I found such an inspiring piece from The Spiritual Meadoe, on the life of Mary of Egypt:

      "Who knows the pity and sorrow of the Mother of God, our sorrowful intercessor!
      She who lives in light and radiant beauty comes willingly to us in the dark,
      -even into Hades with us, weak sinners.
      She stays with us in our daily troubles and worries, saying:
      "I cannot enjoy the radiant beauty of Paradise. I want to suffer with sinners."
      Tears flow from the eyes of the Mother of God, to the eyes of the Christ Child, ever in Her arms, God-Bearer. - Mary of Egypt, Tears of the Virgin Mother"

      It speaks to y heart of what Therese's desired mission in heaven is - "to spend her heaven doing good on earth." Perhaps we are in the last times in the very apocryphal sense - in that case I hope to be sanctified and remain to do good - to rescue to console - that's a childish sentiment, I know. But that is what Therese and Our Lady do now - and I want to be part of that. I wish I could be there and alleviate suffering and terror and convert those who commit such horrible crimes.

    2. Well stated, gentlemen. It is dreadful, ghastly. Surely Our Lady will intercede for her children in Ukraine. We must do our part, though - Five First Saturdays - Mass, Confession, and sincere prayer. This is so much bigger than us. It will take Divine Intervention to stop VP, I fear. I go to bed with a heavy heart, uneasy with my warm, peaceful home and comfortable bed. I feel ashamed for being annoyed with the roaring motorcycles and the loud music from the passing cars. It is such a small thing, when our brothers and sisters face such terrors. We must keep storming heaven to save Ukraine and its suffering people, my brothers in Christ.


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