Looking for new programming.
Don't get me wrong - there are really nice people at Patheos - good writers, good Catholics, good promoters.
It's headline news and repetitive views - all of the time.
It's all good, believe me - believe them - they will tell you. Go back in the archives of each blogger and read the same old same old repetition - today. Go to anybody on any blogomerate and read the same old same old repetition - many were picked for that reason. Granted, some talent had a unique take on being Catholic in the modern world, until they went corporate and therefore commercial. However, they soon get pasteurized, Stepfordized, industrialized. EWTN is like that. Sunday Visitor is like that. I don't know what happens - but something changes. I can't put my finger on it. They go professional, which means they go commercial, which means they market themselves. Nothing wrong with that BTW - everyone needs to earn a living - but it ends up being about as interesting as a diocesan newspaper or a parish Sunday bulletin.
It really hit me this week. The
factionista approach to Catholic blogdom dominance; networking, syndicating, just like Network TV. It's a business. It's politics. It's ratings.
The Catholic channel at Patheos is one of the leading examples of what happens because they've been around just long enough for everyone to remember the honest, untampered writing style of the pre-draft talent. Back then the same old same old wasn't old - it was fresh. Until it became a marketed commodity. Nothing against my friends there - but the Catholic channel isn't that interesting. I read Kat because she somehow retains a certain candor - most everyone else strikes me as more or less 'canned' or, processed. I check out other posts only when one of their buddies in another Catholic news portal links to a particular post, or when another blogger maybe jumps on one of their 'come to the defense of this beleaguered blogger' bandwagon. It's simplified my life online, to be sure.
Two writers in particular helped me 'elucidate' my thoughts on the matter.
'Peace and Justice Catholics' - a tiresome replay ...
There seems to be an undefined group of Catholics who some call “Peace and Justice Catholics”. They are typified as aging hippies.
On the other side of the fence are what might be called Piety and Purity Catholics. They are the conservatives who are all for the authority of the Church, family values, high standards of sexual morality.
I hope and pray that these sad divisions in Catholicism are fading away.
Really? What would you write about then?
Please Ignore the Attention Whores, in particular sums it all up:
It’s simply attention whoring. In the internet age, it’s link-bait. It’s a ready-made thought virus, sure to be shared by supporters. There is no downside to this kind of low-class behavior for either side: supporters get the thrill of shock, and foes get the thrill of outrage.
I don’t know why we do this. We don’t need to react, but we do react, just like dogs drooling for the dinner bell. In contrast to what leftists like to think, conservatives are not, in fact, “reactionary.”
No one needs to know what goes on at MSNBC or on Rush Limbaugh or react to the outrage-du-jour. It’s all irrelevant. It vanishes into the ether, leaving only the smell of sizzling ozone as it goes, while we move to the next outrage, becoming complicit in a self-sustaining media-outrage cycle.
These aren’t skirmish in a culture-war with a victory in sight. This is World War I trench combat: a fixed line that wavers and consumes casualties and never moves.
Couldn't have said it better.
Disclaimer: No links here, I didn't want to be cited for 'attention whoring' or labeled 'link bait'.
I think it's time to take Terry down!