Thursday, November 15, 2018

Some thoughts on the stuff LGBTQ-SSA church-people do.

Ideological revolving door.

The problem with the lgbtq-ssa religious movement is the division those involved perpetuate. They all 'come out', one way or another.  One group insists they are not gay but simply have ssa, and then tell others who do say they are gay that they are heretics or not really Catholic. The 'in and outers' make judgment calls on others from within and without, depending on where they are at on any given day. That is why I say it's crazy. When those who present as spokesmen are in the spotlight, they advocate for whatever group which praises them.  They occasionally compete for the lime-light by pulling those they consider their opponents down, citing them for being too liberal or too conservative, or worse - a heretic or a wolf in sheep's clothing.

No wonder James Martin, SJ seems completely normal and reasonable to many Catholics. - and bishops.  Today bishops are taking a beating depending upon their POV regarding lgbtq-ssa ministry and outreach.  I've been critical as well.  Some bishops are addressing the problem, some even discussing banning dissident clergy from speaking in their dioceses.  That's their job.  

The point I always like to make is that the Church and the Sacraments is the ordinary way of salvation. The ordinary way of salvation is open to all. The sacraments are still efficacious - especially the sacrament of penance.  For me at least, being Catholic is enough.  

Today everyone is freaking out about gay - everything gay - especially since McCarrick was outed.  It has indeed changed everything.  We have to deal with it, without losing our confidence in God.

Things are quite out of hand.  People feed on the panic and 'observers' online provide fodder.   I noted on one site someone saying he's never heard that Pope Francis was gay.  I didn't read his post, but just that statement alone suggests he might be.  Elsewhere, another devout Catholic is worried some bishop distinguished between consensual homosexual acts between adults and predation of minors. There is indeed a difference!  Others want all gay priests laicized, even if they are chaste and celibate.  Bishops are collectively demonized and condemned.  

To be sure, there's a problem with bishops and they are limited in what they can do.  I don't know what to say or do about it either. As I noted in a comment on FB, apparently, according to online news sources, there is some sort of problem the bishops have in exercising their ministry.  Outside of that, this just sort of a rant into the wind, and far too generalized, but many people who read me will know where I'm coming from.  Maybe not.

Long story short, in and outers come back, get on a high horse, frequently point out the errors of others and gain some sort of approval and validation, and when it wanes, they jump on another bus to go where the sun shines.  It's a process, and God is merciful... and of course, who am I to judge?  

“It is consistency God wants.”
- Matt Talbot

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