Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Prayers for all victims of the California fires ...

Mother of God of the Unburnt Bush, Have Mercy on us!

You showed Moses, O Christ God, 
An image of your most pure Mother 
In the bush that burned yet was not consumed, 
For she herself was not consumed, 
When she received in her womb the fire of divinity! 
She remained incorrupt after her pure childbearing! 
By her prayers, O greatly merciful One, 
Deliver us from the flame of passions, 
And preserve your people from all harm!

Protection From Fire 
As we noted at the beginning, one of the primary reasons for the popular devotion to this icon stems not so much from the theology it expounds as from the belief that it is a kind of talisman against fire. This idea derives from an old folk tale: 
In ancient Russia, most houses were made of wood, and fire was an ever-present danger. One day a raging fire broke out and was consuming several buildings. An old woman was seen by someone, standing in front of her home, holding up a copy of the Unburnt Bush icon before the flames. The next morning all the houses around it were found to have been completely destroyed, but hers was completely untouched. This led to the superstitious belief that the icon was capable of preventing or extinguishing fires, a belief that became widespread throughout Russia. - Source

Mother of God, Similar to Fire, Save us!

It is entirely meet to bless thee, O Theotokos, 
Ever blessed, and spotless, and the Mother of our God, 
More honorable than the cherubim, 
And infinitely more glorious than the seraphim. 
We exalt thee who didst bear without corruption God the Word, 
Thee verily the Mother of God.

Our Lady of the Fire, Save us!

O Lord, You miraculously protected and preserved 
the image of the Mother of Your beloved Son
 from the destruction of fire. 
Grant that through her merits and intercession, 
we may escape the fire of hell 
thanks to the fire of Your love. 
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Deliver us!

Santo Nino del Santissimo Rosario,
spare us O Lord!

1 comment:

  1. Amen!

    Praying for all those who are fighting the fires, may no harm come to them. For those fleeing the fires, may Mary our Mother be their refuge under her holy mantle.

    Glorious St. Joseph, please protect all who have lost everything! Provide them with friends, funds, food.


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