Monday, October 15, 2018

St. Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Avila by Joseph-Marie Vien

With all the Carmelites named Teresa becoming saints, Holy Mother Teresa of Jesus is going to have to be given the title 'Great' - St Teresa the Great.  Works for me.

I think I have read almost everything she wrote, many times over.  I used to think I knew everything about her and her teachings.  I visited Avila and delighted in being where she lived and seeing things she used and so on.  I was convinced I knew her 'doctrine', but now, not so much.  

For me it is no longer important to know a lot about prayer as it is to simply pray.


  1. I still remember my seven day silent retreat on the Interior Castle and the life of Santa Teresa. I learned much about her conversion thanks to San Jose's help and on how much she loved him and depended on him. Father E said she was vivacious and had a wonderful sense of humor. He also told us she played the violin for her sisters.

    Her love for Jesus and the Church I always remember too. Happy feast day of Santa Teresa de Avila!

  2. I love the wit and common sense that come bubbling up from her writing, and in this sense was so very Spanish. I find that comforting.

    1. Me too. Just think the influence of Spain in our part of the world - and all of her saints to guide us!

  3. Lovely painting of the Great Teresa. Thank you, Terry.
    I thought of her, for some reason, with the death recently of the great Spanish opera singer Montserrat Caballé (RIP).

    Coming from the Protestant world, I have to ask your help: can you please make a suggestion as to where to start reading the writings of the great saint, to whom I feel very attracted? I know of the Interior Castle. But where do you think I should start? I am 74 years old and don't have a lifetime in front of me and have always been more "into" theology and church history. I feel like a "scoundrel" for being rather ignorant on the topic of the saints, apart from their names and the lovely stories you share here. But Bishop Barron's Catholicism series introduced me to the three Teresas, including the life of the Jewish Prof Dr. Edith Stein which gripped me tremendously, and the role in her conversion played by the life and writings of Teresa of Avila. So, I have immediately become a "fan" of both of those great ladies. (I still have to learn to ask for the intercession of any saint though...

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Her "Life" - the autobiography is the very best to begin with, all her teaching comes through there. ICS has the best publication, in my opinion. Go here:

      If you find it hard to pray for the intercession of the saints - think of it like our exchange in the com box. You don't have to use particular prayers.

    2. The saints are our family. They live in heaven and we keep their pictures close by to remind us of them and their heroic virtues.

    3. I agree, Nan! My favorite St. Teresa quote goes something like this - "Let nothing trouble you, let nothing worry you. God is caring for you and has a plan for you. All will be well." It is in my breviary at the back, and those are not the exact words, but that is the idea of it all. I find it very logical and comforting.

  4. Unrelated to this post. Arroyo’s fall on Ingraham’s show was faked. Fits in with who he is,

    1. Was it really? Darn. Does that mean he has one over on his critics then? Oh well.

    2. Raymond Arroyo and Laura Ingram are so not worth the attention. Who cares?


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