Sunday, October 14, 2018

St. Nunzio Sulprizio

St. Nunzio Sulprizio

He may be overlooked since he was 'added later' and his canonization coincides with the Synod for youth, and all of that controversy.  Now, with Catholics actually casting doubt regarding the legitimacy of canonization, the saint may be further overlooked.  Somehow, that suits his reputation for sanctity quite well.

St. Nunzio is the saint whose portrait I have been working on - I set it aside to do some background work for an Nativity exhibit.)  Nunzio was a poor kid, orphaned and mistreated, he died when he was nineteen. I see him as a special intercessor for kids who are or were abused. A brief biography here.


  1. Who better than to have a friend who lives for all eternity before the Lord of Life to intercede for you when no one else cares in this life. A blessing to ponder.

    I'm going to pray that he will not be forgotten but that he will be sought for pray, consolation, friendship.

  2. I've found a new saint to ask for prayers. He doesn't seem like he would refuse.


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