Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Even the elect now do it...

Diehard opponents of Pope Francis and Vatican II have since pretty much turned on Pope Benedict and JPII - I've noticed a growing number even criticize Pope Pius XII for his reform of the Liturgy of Holy Week and permitting wider participation of the laity at Mass, leading to the experimental 'Dialogue Mass'.

1 comment:

  1. The divide just keeps getting wider & deeper between the Traditionalists and everyone else. I have noticed a few of the on air radio Apologetics men and woman promote Pius IX & X over and over in regard to liturgical practice, but never mention Leo XIII’s social teachings. They do however praise him for writing his Prayer to St Michael. It strikes me that the their focus is on complaints, grievance, fear and more complaints. I never hear talk of missionary work, corporal works of mercy or parish life outside the liturgy. Spirit Daily keeps dropping hints that Francis is considering resigning. Wishful thinking I would say. Anyway, similar to 24/7 cable news they just keep playing and replaying the same tapes til the viewer is literally brainwashed & imprinted with their version of truth.


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