Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Silverstream overflowing...

Like a river.

The investigation into the goings on at Silverstream Priory is getting more attention - by credible online writers, such as Mike Lewis of WPI and of course, theologian Dawn Eden Goldstein who is a contributor to the site.  I will link to the new post, which helps support Fr. Benedict Andersen's case while also vindicating his claims of harrassment.  I'm ashamed to say I had my doubts about all of that, but I'm convinced otherwise now. 

I'm especially relieved that scolding and intimidation will no longer have its effect upon me.  I seem to  always second guessing myself regarding 'mystic monks and nuns' and their cults.  I really think a false mysticism has served to cover up a great deal of corruption over the years - especially now days with the resurgence of pre-Vatican II traditionalism.

Silverstream Priory, one-sided narratives and spiritual abuse.

On Friday of last week, Irish blogger Pat Buckley reported that four men have come forward with allegations including boundary violations, spiritual abuse, and sexual harassment against Dom Mark Kirby of Silverstream Priory, the author and alleged visionary behind the popular devotional book In Sinu Jesu. These new allegations follow a lengthy August 2021 interview with Fr. Benedict Andersen in the Pillar.

Fr. Andersen is a Silverstream monk who is currently in canonical limbo, unable to minister as a priest after his complaints of inappropriate behavior and spiritual abuse by Fr. Kirby resulted in an apostolic visitation of the priory. Formerly the sub-prior of the community, Andersen was the first person to publicly bring forward allegations against Kirby, although stories about Kirby’s past and his allegedly abusive treatment of his subordinates had been circulating for years.

If these new allegations are true, it appears that Fr. Andersen has been vindicated. Not only was he mistreated by Fr. Kirby, but his treatment by the diocese has been unjust. Read the article in the Pillar for Fr. Andersen’s account of his story and Pat Buckley’s blog post for details about the new allegations (warning: sexually explicit language).

You may recall the four-part analysis of In Sinu Jesu by theologian Dawn Eden Goldstein that we published in June of 2020. She wrote the series in order to foster dialogue about the book. It was remarkable, Goldstein observed, that the book, a Catholic bestseller with over 250 five-star reviews on Amazon at the time, had until then “escaped theological critique—especially given its claim to contain messages from Jesus that are intended for all the faithful.” - Mike Lewis


Signing in at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.


A glimpse into a lonely heart.

In closing, I want to share something Fr. Mark wrote about friendship on his blog, Vultus Christi - now ten years ago.  The piece has since been removed from his site, but I kept the quote with the link on a post I did on friendship:

"... one must have friendships in life. [ . . .] Let yourself love. There is no danger so long as the spirit of prayer exists in you. And young priests have hours of loneliness that are very hard. They need affection and tenderness. If you don't give it to them, they will go looking for it just anywhere.

at certain hours we need someone to show us affection: a mother, a sister, a brother. Otherwise, if the heart is not anchored, it goes anywhere at all, and is lost." One must have friendships in life.


  1. In this and so many other issues of the day I feel like we are on a merry go round. The ride keeps going, but we get nowhere. Silver stream, Wyoming Carmelites and all the others. I read yesterday that the Prior @ the Wyoming monastery was dropped from the law suit against the former Mt Carmel Ranch owned by his parents for forced labor by wayward teenagers at the Ranch & Monastery. Parents & sons apparently have the same business model which makes them millionaires. Big donations to Bishop keep them from scrutiny. Fact is stranger then fiction!

  2. Dawn Eden did an amazing critique of Kirby's work and was most charitable with him in the end. A great reminder for us all to not be taken in by spiritual enthusiasm, but check everything against the Church.

    1. Absolutely. She's a very balanced scholar - she's been attacked by many - but the woman knows her stuff. She never vacillates - like I do - because she knows her stuff and trusts her intuition and won't be cowered by criticism. I should have known Fr. Benedict was telling the truth since he had Dawn writing in his defense.

  3. The common denominator in all these scandals is power & money. Everyone is going wild raising more money. Mother Miriam got scammed with her new convent now needs to sell an empty renovated building after raising 250k. It is apparently not zoned for her purpose. My local Catholic radio station goes from one fundraiser to the next while running encore episodes a year old. They want donations and are encouraging listeners to “remember us in your will.” Two parish priests in Buffalo have been in the media for getting themselves personally in charge of elderly woman’s estates. Predatory practices are well beyond sexual abuse & now financial abuse as well. It is all about the money now.


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