Monday, April 01, 2019

My last attempt ...

Matt Talbot on the street where he died.

To depict Matt Talbot as a young man.

I went back to an earlier style.  I showed a kid with a bottle and a fidler who had his fiddle stolen.  Matt was a penitent, with a history.

The photo is a bit blurred, my apologies.  Neuropathy and tremors are catching up with me.


  1. Fine work Terry. His face speaks of humility, kindness and repentance. You outdid yourself with those eyes. Where will he go?

  2. I like this, Terry. I agree with Mr. H about his kind and patient eyes. I know Matt is a favorite of yours, and mine too (I think he was a Secular Franciscan, like me.)

    I hope your health improves soon. I think you must get great comfort from your art. I have a good friend who is also an artist, and is suffering from carpal tunnel and Lyme disease, which has made it impossible for her to draw and paint. She is more distressed about that than about her health issues.

    Thank you for sharing this, and reminding us of holy Matt Talbot, who was able to serve God and others right where he was at. God bless and protect you and all here - Susan, OFS

    1. I hope your friend improves too. Thanks.

  3. I feel like this one is the cream of the crop (of the Talbot series).


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