Monday, February 25, 2019

I'm tired of this ...

I'll post from time to time, but I've said what I needed to say, and a bit too much more.  I appreciate those friends who found me interesting.


  1. While I understand and sympathize with your blog fatigue I also think there are things you should keep in mind. I have learned a great deal from you writings. Things about Saints I never knew of, devotions that have long been "out of fashion" and art I never experienced. So, thanks for that. As for the state of our Church, well I just cannot escape that. Just this week the pastor of my current parish was suspended for allegations that are claimed to have occurred in the 1970's. a Friar at my High School, now deceased, has been accused of sexual abuse of a student ten years after I graduated, His accuser is suing for 300M. So, you see there is no escaping it as it gets closer to home. Now, I must point out that both of these claims comes on the heels of a new law here in NY opening up past events with no statue of limitations. I do not know how these can be sorted out, but it is disturbing. So, even though it seems pointless to blog about it, it will not go away and possibly will get worse. I avoid the other blogs since I find them more dangerous to my already fragile faith. Last but not least, I enjoy seeing your art work. It is inspiring for me. Whatever you do just know from this follower I have benefited from your posts and yes, even laughed a time or two along the way. Peace and prayers always.

    1. Well stated, Wallace. I fully agree. Terry, I know it may drag you down and burden your spirit sometimes. When that happens, it is good to step away for a while. But don't go away forever, because, as Wallace so clearly points out, none of us can escape the reality of what our beloved Church is going through. And you, in your understated and faithful way, bring peace to many of us, and gently evangelize those of us about the good saints and blessed who have survived far worse than this scandal, and who inspire us by their holy example. Perhaps being a consecrated religious was not in God's plan for you, by maybe this is how you can serve Him. Anyway, think about it and know that I and perhaps others here pray for you and consider you a brother in the Faith. God bless and protect you! - Susan, OFS

  2. T S Eliot, Four Quartets: Teach us to care and not to care. Hugs, Fr P

  3. Come, Holy Spirit, come in our cities, in our homes,
    in our families, in our glances, in our hearts.
    Without you, we read books and do not become wise.
    Without you, we dialogue much and do not come closer to one another.
    Without you, reality consists in dry events, facts and numbers.
    Without you, our life falls apart into a succession of meaningless days.
    Without you, there is no fidelity.
    Without you, our thoughts become delirious.
    Without you, technology destroys us.
    Without you, churches become museums.
    Without you, prayer is just babbling.
    Without you, our smile becomes petrified.
    Without you, our environment becomes a desert.
    Come, Holy spirit, our emptiness cries after your fullness!
    Come, Spirit Creator. make your dwelling in our world!

    (Fr Ljubo Kurtovic OFM)

  4. Thanks every one - I'll keep posting - just not as much. Currently dealing with some health issues.

    1. I will pray for you Terry. May our Lord restore you and those entrusted to you with good health.

  5. Take care of your health. And it is good to step away for awhile in any case. I have also been blessed by your postings. But your direction should be determined by your own spiritual and physical health.


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