Friday, December 21, 2018

Now I'm in the Christmas Spirit!

Art "Gerhard Glück"


  1. Good for you. I am still trying. Started a Christmas novena to set the tone, but had six days of backtracking to make up so feel forced. Having kids around gels.

    1. Try meditating on Today's Mass readings. Esp. the alternate 1st one, from the Song of Songs.

    2. Thanks Terry I will. You always stir me in a positive direction. I have learned so much about so much from you. I looked up Gerhard Gluck and just love his art. It speaks to me. Thanks so much. Merry Christmas Friend!

  2. I found this to be uplifting and a good reminder that the "little Ones" are the backbone of the Church:

    "Pope Francis concludes, however, with a note of hope looking to the imminent Christmas that gives " the certainty that the Church will emerge from these tribulations all the more beautiful, purified and radiant". Because "All the sins and failings and evil committed by some children of the Church will never be able to mar the beauty of her face". Nor can "the grave evils perpetrated by some will never be able to cloud all the good that the Church freely accomplishes in the world" though the great number of consecrated men and women, bishops and priests who daily live their calling in fidelity, silence, holiness and self-denial. Persons who work patiently, out of love for Christ and his Gospel, on behalf of the poor, the oppressed and the least of our brothers and sisters; they are not looking to show up on the first pages of newspapers or to receive accolades. They are overlooked by the mass media, but were it not for them, darkness would reign."

    Taken from the Pope as he meets with all the members of the Roman Curia for the traditional Christmas greetings. 12/21/18


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