Friday, November 30, 2018

Hello darkness my old friend.

Deposition of St. Andrew
Anthony Visco

I was brought to nothing...

Very seriously I'm not sure what is going on in the world and the Church, a lot of stuff is way over my head.  Yet it's a wonderful grace, let me tell you.

I never listen to talk radio.  Never listened to Rush Limbaugh or followed conservative commentators online or off.  Some people I know on FB admire people like Ben Shapiro and others I know nothing about.  I don't follow or read conservative-liberal sites, except on occasion.  I don't do Crisis, nor do I follow James Martin - I'll visit sometimes, I may link, but I don't 'follow'. 

I think that is why I am able to keep praying, believing  and trusting. 

On the other hand, when I do allow myself to get sucked in, I lose my peace, as the Carmelite saints would say.  There is an awful lot that I have no need to know.  I still have confidence in the Church, the Pope, the Magisterium, and so on.  I believe in the promises of Christ.

That said, 'it was good to be afflicted'.

To be brought to nothing.  To have every support removed.  To be left alone in faith ... naked in faith.  It's what I love in Visco's charcoal of St. Andrew.

Happy feast day!


  1. Fr. Z just got hit by a motorcycle in Paris....

    1. I know. And then they had an earthquake in Alaska.

    2. A 7.0 magnitude the earthquake is said to have been. If that magnitude hit Los Angeles, we would have some very serious damage like we did back with the Long Beach and Northridge earthquakes of not so fond memories.

      Prayers for Alaska and Fr. Z.

  2. Abandonment to Divine Providence. It is a good way to live, and also a very good book!

  3. This painting is fantastic.


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