Monday, September 03, 2018

“Express how you feel and then be quiet. Because the truth is humble, the truth is silent, the truth isn't noisy." - P. Francis

When the lies and hypocrisies are exposed, the lusts and indecency out in the open ... 

Amid the shouting, Jesus walked in peace through the midst of them.

I think this is what is happening - the shouting and accusations and stories circulating within ourselves, keep us from recollection and prayer.  The fighting - the competition between politics and religion and our social calendars and agenda; the betrayal of trust, the hypocrisy, the in-fighting, the name calling, vanity and greed, placing our trust in all that is not God, the lying ...  

So they picked up stones to throw at him; but Jesus hid and went out of the temple area. - John 8:59

We encounter Christ rejected, in the sin that wears a thousand faces.
How could we possibly have the heart to mock these people or to hate them, this multitude of sinners with whom we rub shoulders?
The solitude of God in fraternal charity; it is Christ serving Christ, Christ in the one who is serving and Christ in the one being served. - Madeleine Delbrel

He walked in peace through the midst of them. 

The world revolves, the cross remains the same.  It's not just a pious platitude.  Misguided churchmen think the papacy will become irrelevant, that the Church will collapse, and everyone feels an urgent need to call out warnings, making calls for battle, and so on, yet Christ remains with the Church.  He remains with us, in his silent loving action in the Eucharist.  The same yesterday, today and tomorrow. 

I need to try and make reparation.

There is a time for everything,
a time to be silent,
 and a time to speak. - Eccl 3:7

1 comment:

  1. We are in a terrific spiritual battle for the heart and soul of the Church. The good thing is the outcome is already assured. The tragedy is that there will be many casualties. I will not be at all surprised if there is a full schism, as many people are already schismatic in their hearts.

    As you quote Pope Francis, we need to be silent and pray and allow Christ to fight this battle. Just as Our Lord fought the Egyptians for the Israelites, so He will fight for the Church.

    One more thing - let us all pray for each other.


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